Billy Graham has been played on 6519 lists, including 310 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Charlie Don't Surf with Elita LorescaCharlie Dont Surf638
2.Dr. Steve 1Dr. Steve635
3.Ghost of Stiffs Past 9Ghost of Stiffs Past634
4.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs632
6.No Viagra NeededNo Viagra Needed536
7.Birdman goes 9 for 10!Bird535
8.Death ValleyBones McCoy534
9.Stiff in the MorningUSER05956533
10.Death Soup: From A(riel) to Z(elda)!MJ and Friends531
12.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones528
13.Skunkhair # 3skunkhair527
15.Destroyers 1Destroyers525
16.Justin Hale 04USER01531525
18.O3 and NitroO3524
19.Cancer is your friendExit Stage Four523
20.Destroyers 8Destroyers522
21.Under Sailing OrdersSAW THE LIGHT522
22.Ghost of Stiffs PastGhost of Stiffs Past434
23.Lots o' old bastardsBJCx78434
24.Destroyers 4Destroyers432
25.Marked For TermiNeyTionTermiNeyTor431
26.2010 & done 3USER00562430
27.knock knock knockingbone rattler430
28.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs430
29.Doc & DJ--Dick Clark is Now Worse than Willie Mays with the MetsDoc & DJ429
30.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
31.Opie's murder by slingshot - Blinkin’s MomKudsKroakers429
32.The Game of LifeUSER02045429
33.AAAAAAAA Really, really, really old listBucket Kickers427
34.Boris Cutyourcockoff 03USER01531427
35.Here TodayBuck427
36.Ghoulash IIGhoulash426
37.MK MBalmedMBalmed426
39.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 4EdRulz425
40.Radtex: His and HearseRadtex425
41.Boris Cutyourcockoff 02USER01531424
42.Mary Tyler Morgue - Sleeps with the FishMary Tyler Morgue424
44.Skunkhair # 1skunkhair424
45.Susie SickoSusie Sicko424
46.Check Please 02Hugh G. Wrekshun422
47.flatliners 1The Shadow422
48.flatliners 3The Shadow421
49.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl420
50.I REALLY Suck At ThisBibsPal420
51.dpj 2010 List TWOdpj0122419
52.But Is It Art: NaNaNaNa-genariansBut Is It Art?418
53.Dirt Naps For Fun And Profit 3FrankJac417
54.nvrgvup -4NVRGVUP416
55.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
56.Loki 3Loki413
57.EMFC We Won the World Series and All I Got Was a CoffinEMFCoffin327
58.This is how rumors get started 2010USER02248327
60.Tsuga - A Snowball in HellTsuga327
61.Dub's first listTheOriginalDub325
63.Dead-by-the-SeaThe Gilberator324
64.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
65.Ruck 2010USER00186324
66.-np-alan smithee323
67.Are We Dead Yet02goodwin73323
68.connies boyme first323
69.CROSSING OVER (2)02495323
70.Funeral For A Friend 1USER00495323
71.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker323
72.MK MBalmed 2MBalmed323
73.NVN: Frostbite on my taintNo Viagra Needed323
74.pull the plugbuh-bye now323
75.BigBuckenChicken1Last Stop322
76.Doc & DJ--He's the DJ, I'm the DoctorDoc & DJ322
77.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Quiet GunFTG322
78.FUTURE DEAD PEOPLE 2010 IDandy Dan322
79.Ghoulash VIGhoulash322
80.O3 and FreonO3322
81.Offal TruthUSER01797322
82.Ten Bloody MarysRD02322
85.Chazz ReinholdOzCube321
86.CROSSING OVER (1)02495321
87.don't make an ash of yourselfUncle Stiffy321
88.Dwyer's Death SquadJim321
89.Good Luck -- We're All Counting on Diealan smithee321
90.jnik's Die, you old farts! Die!!!USER00353321
91.jpd 2010 LISTdpj0122321
92.Yes, Have Some ... Deathalan smithee321
93.Class of 90USER01832320
94.Funeral For A Friend 3USER00495320
95.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IIhurryupndiealready320
96.NVN: Sorry I like the old select o maticNo Viagra Needed320
97.Stones Girl thanks PeteStones Girl320
98.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 1Tomtsled320
99.Congratulations- you're all going to see 2011BooBeau319
100.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends319
101.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ319
102.Ghoulash VGhoulash319
103.Good Mourning Evanston 3Good Mourning Evanston319
104.mausoleakumUncle Stiffy319
105.Ruby Muhhamad isn't Famous??????????Grime Reaper319
106.Ten How's Your FathersRD02319
107.The Devils Favorites #3kiss my grits319
108.AsystoleBen Dover318
110.Death March1BCeltics318
111.Lights Out in the Boston HillsJoker318
112.O3 + HydrogenO3318
113.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428318
114.Way Over The Hill GangMr. Blake318
115.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger317
116.flatliners 2The Shadow317
117.Radtex: Tumor Makes a Does-InRadtex317
118.Rock N' Roll Me When I'm DeadTrav317
119.What's that Smell?What's that smell?317
120.2010 List # 3dpj0122316
121.Asystole4uBen Dover316
122.I can't win if they don't interTitanPilot316
123.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost316
124.Rachel's List 1Rachel A316
125.Circumstances Beyond Our controlttc4319315
126.Death-I Heart Miley Ray CyrusJayRockers!315
127.home to jesus3bjaskols315
128.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker315
129.O3 and XBoxO3315
130.Time's UpUSER00562315
132.Bring It On You Old FuksDeath Bastard314
133.Bring It On: Biggs Has To GoDeath Bastard314
134.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-Stars (Die Already!)Doc & DJ314
135.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends313
136.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 2Tomtsled313
137.JT: Last Year's Top Ten SurvivorsTripper312
138.Mary Tyler Morgue's (Kick The) Bucket List 2Mary Tyler Morgue312
139.PB: Only one list this year (alas)pbear312
140.Reaper Madness #1ReaperMadness312
142.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22312
144.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls311
145.digger's revengeUncle Stiffy311
146.The Uncle Tasteless Gallery of RoguesUncle Tasteless311
147.BigBuckenChicken3Last Stop37
148.Go ahead and buy green bananasBooBeau219
149.MrJeff\'s Death of the Partymrjeff2000219
150.DGD - greedDGD218
151.Jose Greco de MuertaMaudieG218
152.Krem's ComebackKrem99218
153.naturetrailtohell(in 3d)kiddynomite218
154.Shorty7ft 1shorty7ft218
155.The Devils Favorites #1kiss my grits218
159.Funeral For A Friend 2USER00495217
160.My Ten Funerals* 2010Jerrytopdown217
161.My Wife's Cat Wants Me DeadSeaPepto217
162.Ned KellyDX Rob217
163.O3 and WaterO3217
164.Canaries in a Coal MineRoger Gowiththrottleup216
165.Good Mourning EvanstonGood Mourning Evanston216
166.Good Mourning Evanston 2Good Mourning Evanston216
171.Rachel's List 5Rachel A216
172.Roger The Cabin BoyBLUISH TINGE216
173.You've Got to Keep DyingUSER02045216
174.2010 & done 1USER00562215
175.Afraid of the Dark #2Minnesota Neil215
176.Charlie FoxtrotOldDocMcCoy215
177.Demented and sad, but socialMichenley215
178.home to Jesusbjaskols215
179.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2010hodag21378215
182.Serve and Let DieBrucovitch215
183.Death Rattle: Bright, Shiny Facesanarchess214
184.H.R. PufnstiffUSER05956214
186.Charlie Don't Surf with Leena NguyenCharlie Dont Surf213
187.I like em well doneDirtdiggindogs213
190.Start DiggingUSER01832213
191.Stiff Breeze (the saga continues) 3Captain Chaos 08213
192.Toes Up 5USER02025213
193.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf212
195.Bones of Contentions 01Bones of Contention 1211
196.Das ReaperStink Finger for Christ211
197.grave matthew's bandwildrush211
198.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484211
199.In the Ground IIIn the Box Looking Up211
200.Mourning GloryDiamondToothGertie211
201.Taking a Stance No MoreGregDean211
202.That is all folksDigger O Dell211
203.60 Minutes to DeathElster000210
204.cd5dh Aren't Any of You Ever Gonna Diecerista210
205.cd5dh Out, out damn spot!cerista210
206.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus210
207.Off with their headsbuh-bye now210
208.Quit Yer Bitchin' and Get StiffasthedeadtuRNs210
209.Rogue MarineRogue Marine210
210.A Grateful Deadhead IJudysomething29
211.azabachenegro 1azabachenegro29
212.Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Deadrogueplanet29
213.No Autopsy RequiredUSER0105429
214.We're Drivin' the Bus to Hell, Again 1Rat Bastard29
216.Morgue Manorecho081628
217.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 2Paul168128
218.Trout's Dead Fish 2Trout27
220.PUSHING UP DAISIES (3)0249526
221.JP's Death ListUSER0580725
222.LIst Three 2010 dpjdpj012225
224.Putting The FUN in FUNeralAndIDontMind24
225.Well nobody died did they? #3Archangel24
226.Bugs and Bones 3Bugs and Bones23
227.Anyone die today? #1Archangel110
228.Beer HogsUSER02535110
229.Death RowPeople Meat110
230.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots110
231.Filthy Fucking Whoresfilthy whore110
232.Ghoulash IVGhoulash110
233.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part XIIIhurryupndiealready110
234.Mary Tyler Morgue 2Shoeguy110
237.Stiff Breeze (the saga continues) 4Captain Chaos 08110
238.Asystole2Ben Dover19
239.Dark Pasquinade #3pasquinade19
240.The Winning List10/10 in 202119
241.Cryptkickers 1JohnRandy18
242.Dark Pasquinade #2pasquinade18
243.Death By Pinocle3oregontrail18
244.Die already Vigoda.TitanPilot18
245.George StiffanopoulosUSER0595618
246.Kiss This List GoodbyeJamoke18
247.Time's Up 2USER0056218
248.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel18
250.Dark Pasquinade #1pasquinade17
251.Lizzy 2010 #3Lizzy17
253.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 1Paul168117
254.The Breakfast DeadThe Gilberator17 and crackerssnakedya17
256.Beat the ReaperThe Reaper16
257.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls16
258.Cryptkickers 2JohnRandy16
259.Always Look on the Bright Side of Death2Angel of Death15
260.BIG E - MMXUSER0136715
263.Dub's third listTheOriginalDub15
264.Help_My_Ig_is_deadThe Ig15
265.home to jesus2bjaskols15
267.Rigor IRigor15
269.Bring out yer deadMr Happy14
270.Dr. Who - Job Stress is a BitchDr. Who14
271.Justin's List-O-Death for 2010Justin14
272.Lizzy 2010 #1Lizzy14
273.Pining for the FjordsDave14
275.Hey Hey My MyBlack Dog13
276.MS IS A SLOW KILLERmixorr13
277.Stiffy LubeJamoke13
278.Alas, PoryorickPoryorick12
279.And Then There Were None 4Digger O Dell12
280.Deathscore OneDeathscore12
281.Dirt Naps For Fun And Profit 1FrankJac12
282.No Country For Old MenBiff Thanatos12
283.Chicken at Tresky's1Chicken at Tresky's11
285.Mary Tyler Morgue's (Kick The) Bucket ListMary Tyler Morgue11
286.Suit 1 - Go Amy GoPezintree11
287.The Real DealHinodae11
288.!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE 2Albrecht00
289.Big Banana Peel 2010buh-bye now00
290.Brains All Over Your Nice Ivy League SuitFrankie Pentangeli00
291.But Is It Art: Getting Serious for Pistol PeteBut Is It Art?00
292.Crock of Pelosi 2010 Hit List 2Crock of Pelosi00
293.Death By Pinocle2oregontrail00
294.Five O'Clock SocietyUSER0025500
295.Going To Take a (Final) Nap 2FireMutt3500
296.JCudds 1JCudds00
297.Later gatorsRawkwell00
298.List 4Chris Goulart00
299.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 3Paul168100
300.Pushing Daisy'ssquidly76600
301.Reap :Em & Weep #2USER0055700
302.RJ Thurmont: Bodybags 3RJ Thurmont00
303.Six foot hole in one, times ten...Starwanderer00
304.Stiff Upper LipsGryphon00
305.Susie's DeadmeatsSusie Sicko00
306.the doctor of death IIthe doctor of death00
307.Trail's End 25 centsGreat Caesar"s Ghost!00
308.Way Below ParUSER0075000
309.Whayne 1USER0259300


Guess the Stiff!

Mr. Nojangles.

(d) October 23rd, 2020