Ronnie Biggs has been played on 3414 lists, including 256 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 6EdRulz636
2.You're OUTwsprotte633
3.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl631
4.Birdman - I Pray For Death EverydayBird535
5.Birdman-good luck with that experimental treatment!Bird535
6.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ534
7.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ533
8.Mary Worth Advises You to Commit SuicideRhody Trash533
9.Stiff in the MorningUSER05956533
10.Justin Hale 07USER01531532
11.Baxley - I'm back... and bitter...Baxley531
12.Baxley - Live midget LIVE!!!Baxley531
13.Doc & DJ--Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.Doc & DJ531
14.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Enough to Win BerleFTG531
15.Justin Hale 08USER01531531
16.Baxley - Periodic Midget RobbersBaxley530
17.Boz #1Boz530
18.Plowing The Deephop1962528
19.Long live the deadDead Fred527
20.DGD - LustDGD526
21.Stiff Upper LipUSER05956526
22.Swingin' For The Fencesbridgy526
23.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: HellfireFTG525
24.Justin Hale 04USER01531525
25.FTG: Berle is a Gnat Fucking Tweezer DickFTG522
26.I'm a Dead Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!bridgy522
27.Dolores Hopeless and PalsScott in Philly517
28.Ghost of Stiffs PastGhost of Stiffs Past434
29.Ghost of Stiffs Past 7Ghost of Stiffs Past433
30.Doc & DJ--That's a Bingo!Doc & DJ432
31.You Can't Take It With YouBridgcorp431
32.Doc & DJ--Giving Away Rings at the HolocaustDoc & DJ430
33.Doc & DJ--Put It in Your Pantry with Your CupcakesDoc & DJ430
34.Blame the Governor of Rhode IslandRhody Trash429
35.Doc & DJ--Dick Clark is Now Worse than Willie Mays with the MetsDoc & DJ429
36.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
37.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Johnny Eagle EyeFTG429
38.Justin Hale 10USER01531429
39.Ghost of Stiffs Past 3Ghost of Stiffs Past428
40.Take Me Out CoachRhody Trash428
42.Boris Cutyourcockoff 03USER01531427
43.FTG: Hackett is a Friars Liar TooFTG427
44.Here TodayBuck427
45.Justin Hale 03USER01531427
46.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 4Kolchak the Night Stalker427
47.Nothing Lasts ForeverBridgcorp427
48.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962426
49.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: OutTakesFTG426
50.Justin Hale 05USER01531426
51.MK MBalmedMBalmed426
52.Stiphan HawkingUSER05956426
53.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 4EdRulz425
54.dregsme first425
55.Justin Hale 01USER01531425
56.Justin Hale 06USER01531425
57.Ten Dead IndiansBridgcorp425
58.Baxley - Run Zelda Run!!!Baxley424
59.Boris CutyourcockoffUSER01531424
60.Boris Cutyourcockoff 02USER01531424
61.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 2EdRulz424
62.DePressED10 - I Didn't Come To Work, I Came To PlayDePressED424
63.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Space Age Plastic SonFTG424
64.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls423
65.DGD - SlothDGD423
66.DGD - WrathDGD423
67.Exoendo Zuzubar ('09 Champs)exoendo zuzubar423
68.GATER HATERThe rebel.423
69.One more reason I'm going to hellThink 2wice423
70.flatliners 3The Shadow421
71.Dwyer's Zombie ListJim420
72.If You Pick Them - They Will Diebridgy420
73.Mary Tyler Morgue 1Shoeguy420
74.Satan's Waitin'Barker J. Wagtail419
75.A Leftover List That's Free I HopeRD02416
76.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
77.Donne in! Death Be Not Proudsplittertogo413
79.Birdman - $3,000 Buys Alot Of Entries!Bird327
80.Birdman - I Always Liked Eva Better AnywayBird327
81.Doc & DJ--In Memory of Ellie FredricksenDoc & DJ327
82.EMFC We Won the World Series and All I Got Was a CoffinEMFCoffin327
83.Tsuga - A Snowball in HellTsuga327
84.Doc & DJ--Smells Like a Steak and Seats 35Doc & DJ326
86.Justin Hale 02USER01531325
87.Justin Hale 09USER01531325
88.Loki 2Loki325
89.You're Only As Dead As You FeelBiff Thanatos325
91.Are We Dead Yet04goodwin73324
92.circling the drainDiamond Geezer324
93.Death Soup: Will Get Fooled Again!MJ and Friends324
94.Team Formalin II: You ain't gettin' out alive, Biggsy!anarchess324
95.The morgue the merrierStarwanderer324
96.-np-alan smithee323
97.Are We Dead Yet02goodwin73323
98.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 6Kolchak the Night Stalker323
99.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker323
100.MK MBalmed 2MBalmed323
101.Team Formalin: Say It With Dead Flowersanarchess323
102.Ten Bloody MarysRD02322
103.Troll&Al combotrollette322
104.Another Year, Another Golden GirlRD02321
105.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 3EdRulz321
106.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 5EdRulz321
107.CROSSING OVER (1)02495321
108.Death March 31BCeltics321
109.Dwyer's Death SquadJim321
110.Good Luck -- We're All Counting on Diealan smithee321
111.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 1Kolchak the Night Stalker321
112.Kolchak: the Night Stalker 5Kolchak the Night Stalker321
113.Yes, Have Some ... Deathalan smithee321
114.Catch Coldhop1962320
115.The Lynch MobTaugh320
116.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 1Tomtsled320
117.Von Ryan's ExpressTaugh320
118.Cartman-Gee That's a Swell Urn Mrs CleaverCARTMAN319
119.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ319
120.Good Mourning Evanston 3Good Mourning Evanston319
121.Pinin' for the FjordsPining for the Fjords319
122.Ten How's Your FathersRD02319
123.The Devils Favorites #3kiss my grits319
124.AsystoleBen Dover318
125.Way Over The Hill GangMr. Blake318
126.Always Look on the Bright Side of Death1Angel of Death317
127.DGD - AvariceDGD317
128.flatliners 2The Shadow317
130.yeah yeah buh bye 2yeah yeah buh bye317
131.Asystole4uBen Dover316
132.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost316
133.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye316
134.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye316
135.Jackalope Ghost - The Cat Came BackJackalope_Ghost315
137.Bring It On: Biggs Has To GoDeath Bastard314
138.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-Stars (Die Already!)Doc & DJ314
139.FTG: Under the Sands of Iwo JimaFTG313
140.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 2Tomtsled313
141.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye313
142.JT: Last Year's Top Ten SurvivorsTripper312
143.NJM Green MileNJMCW312
144.PB: Only one list this year (alas)pbear312
145.Potts Kitchen BaconMarkMx312
146.Reaper Madness #1ReaperMadness312
148.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22312
150.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleumEdRulz219
151.god told me some first219
152.DGD - greedDGD218
153.naturetrailtohell(in 3d)kiddynomite218
154.The Devils Favorites #1kiss my grits218
155.(don't) fear the reaper!USER01832217
157.Cancerous FossilsTaugh217
159.Funeral For A Friend 2USER00495217
160.IAGO 1IAGO217
161.Not Only but AlsoGryphon217
162.yeah yeah buh bye 6yeah yeah buh bye217
163.Canaries in a Coal MineRoger Gowiththrottleup216
164.Good Mourning EvanstonGood Mourning Evanston216
165.Good Mourning Evanston 2Good Mourning Evanston216
167.C & C CadaversBairBones215
168.Easy MoneyEasy Money215
170.Death Rattle: Bright, Shiny Facesanarchess214
171.H.R. PufnstiffUSER05956214
172.IAGO 2IAGO214
173.Slab em 1shorty7ft214
174.Susie's DeadbeatsSusie Sicko214
175.hark from the tombsJohn 3:16213
176.Its Only 10 Names-Is that so Hard?AngelasMother213
177.Start DiggingUSER01832213
178.Stones Girl for 2010Stones Girl213
179.Al's listtrollette212
180.Are they Dead Yet?Dead Fred212
181.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf212
182.DGD - PrideDGD212
183.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail212
184.Tic Tag Toeroderner212
186.Boz #3Boz211
187.Feral Fodder #3BMT330211
188.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484211
189.Revolting Development this isDigger O Dell211
190.Revolting Development this isDigger O Dell211
191.60 Minutes to DeathElster000210
192.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus210
193.A Grateful Deadhead IJudysomething29
195.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 2Paul168128
196.Stiffi GrafUSER0595628
197.Hope he fails tommorowchakakhanoz27
198.Trout's Dead Fish 2Trout27
199.Boz #2Boz26
200.JP's Death ListUSER0580725
202.La Muerte1LaMuerte24
203.Putting The FUN in FUNeralAndIDontMind24
204.Well nobody died did they? #3Archangel24
205.The big dead 10executionbyxmasslights23
206.Beer HogsUSER02535110
207.BUCKET LISTmixorr110
208.Death-I Heart Taylor SwiftJayRockers!110
209.dingy momome first110
210.Dirty Rotting ScoundrelsStarwanderer110
211.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl110
212.Ghoulash IVGhoulash110
213.Rigor IIIRigor110
216.yeah yeah buh bye 4yeah yeah buh bye110
217.Asystole2Ben Dover19
218.George StiffanopoulosUSER0595618
219.Kiss This List GoodbyeJamoke18
220.Rigor IIRigor18
221.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel18
223.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 1Paul168117
224.Prayer for Rush Limbaugh's AneurismUSER0216517
225.Beat the ReaperThe Reaper16
226.deep sleepersexecutionbyxmasslights16
227.RJ Thurmont - Death Boy, Word Up!!RJ Thurmont16
228.CaliReaper says time to go.CaliReaper15
229.Rigor IRigor15
230.Roger GowiththrottleupRoger Gowiththrottleup15
231.Lizzy 2010 #1Lizzy14
232.Pining for the FjordsDave14
234.Dub's second listTheOriginalDub13
235.Stiffy LubeJamoke13
236.Alas, PoryorickPoryorick12
237.Bagged and Taggedecho081612
239.No Country For Old MenBiff Thanatos12
240.CaliReaper's men for ignorant judgesCaliReaper11
241.100% Deadchakakhanoz00
242.A Bunch Of Old Queens and Ronnie BiggsE-Brake00
243.List 4Chris Goulart00
245.Not Quick Enoughchakakhanoz00
246.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 3Paul168100
247.Ooh, He Sculled That OneUSER0075000
248.Opie's murder by slingshot - Winkin’s MomKudsKroakers00
249.Our blackened listJeff G00
250.Phyllis Diller must goexecutionbyxmasslights00
251.Pushing Daisy'ssquidly76600
252.Rig R. MortassCaSkeT CrAzY00
253.Six foot hole in one, times ten...Starwanderer00
254.Trout's Dead Fish 3Trout00
255.Way Below ParUSER0075000


Guess the Stiff!

Read my lips: No new breaths.

(d) November 30th, 2018