Art Linkletter has been played on 996 lists, including 205 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.Salnbetts1Sal & Barb634
3.Dr. Steve 4Dr. Steve633
4.Dr. Who - Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who633
5.JT: Just a Bunch of Old FolksTripper633
6.LA LISTE DE MEO - 2010Meo633
7.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs632
8.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl631
9.Afraid of the Dark #3Minnesota Neil539
11.Birdman - Big Effing DioBird534
12.Death ValleyBones McCoy534
13.Birdman - Internation Velvet In Her CoffinBird533
14.Pokey's Gambles 2010Pokey22532
15.Baxley - I'm back... and bitter...Baxley531
16.Baxley - Live midget LIVE!!!Baxley531
17.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Enough to Win BerleFTG531
18.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready531
19.Baxley - Periodic Midget RobbersBaxley530
20.Boz #1Boz530
21.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones528
22.MK Oldies But GoodiesMBalmed527
23.Skunkhair # 3skunkhair527
24.95 and Die ClubJohnRandy526
25.DGD - LustDGD526
28.PUSHING UP DAISIES (1)02495525
30.O3 and NitroO3524
31.Cancer is your friendExit Stage Four523
32.I'm a Dead Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!bridgy522
33.Under Sailing OrdersSAW THE LIGHT522
34.Dolores Hopeless and PalsScott in Philly517
35.Lots o' old bastardsBJCx78434
37.2010 & done 3USER00562430
38.Absolut ZombiesJim430
39.Killer Advocatelaptoplg430
40.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs430
41.Doc & DJ--Dick Clark is Now Worse than Willie Mays with the MetsDoc & DJ429
42.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
43.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh428
44.AAAAAAAA Really, really, really old listBucket Kickers427
45.FTG: Hackett is a Friars Liar TooFTG427
46.Here TodayBuck427
48.Death Valley IIBones McCoy426
50.Notorious R.I.PRadler426
51.Stiphan HawkingUSER05956426
52.MK Final CurtainMBalmed425
53.Radtex: His and HearseRadtex425
54.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Space Age Plastic SonFTG424
55.Skunkhair # 1skunkhair424
57.Cash From Cancer: Miep, Miep, six feet deepCash From Cancer423
58.GATER HATERThe rebel.423
59.flatliners 1The Shadow422
60.Like fine winemoribundus422
61.If You Pick Them - They Will Diebridgy420
62.dpj 2010 List TWOdpj0122419
63.But Is It Art: NaNaNaNa-genariansBut Is It Art?418
64.Dirt Naps For Fun And Profit 3FrankJac417
65.nvrgvup -4NVRGVUP416
66.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
67.Loki 3Loki413
69.Feral Fodder #2BMT330327
70.Dub's first listTheOriginalDub325
71.Are We Dead Yet04goodwin73324
72.Cash From Cancer: Wouk's WakeCash From Cancer324
73.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
74.Ruck 2010USER00186324
75.Ten Old Men and a DictatorDiamond Geezer324
76.The morgue the merrierStarwanderer324
77.Funeral For A Friend 1USER00495323
78.Herb's Hellcatswsprotte323
79.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker323
80.pull the plugbuh-bye now323
81.BigBuckenChicken1Last Stop322
82.Deathwish 2010DeathWish322
83.Ghoulash VIGhoulash322
84.The Harvesterbigbobinaz322
85.Well nobody died did they? #2Archangel322
86.CROSSING OVER (1)02495321
87.Death March 31BCeltics321
88.Death on the Installment PlanPozzo321
89.Dwyer's Death SquadJim321
90.jnik's Die, you old farts! Die!!!USER00353321
91.jpd 2010 LISTdpj0122321
92.RJ Thurmont: Moldy OldiesRJ Thurmont321
93.Gone TomorrowBuck320
94.Stones Girl thanks PeteStones Girl320
95.But Is It Art: The ImmortalsBut Is It Art?319
96.Ruby Muhhamad isn't Famous??????????Grime Reaper319
97.salnbetts3Sal & Barb319
98.The Devils Favorites #3kiss my grits319
99.A Grateful Deadhead IIJudysomething318
102.O3 + HydrogenO3318
103.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428318
104.Way Over The Hill GangMr. Blake318
106.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger317
107.Let the Decade BeginDoubled484315
108.O3 and XBoxO3315
111.Doc & DJ--Bob Hope All-Stars (Die Already!)Doc & DJ314
112.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost314
114.Gold Medalist in the Underground LugeMcPutt312
115.JT: Last Year's Top Ten SurvivorsTripper312
116.PB: Only one list this year (alas)pbear312
117.Potts Kitchen BaconMarkMx312
118.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22312
120.The Uncle Tasteless Gallery of RoguesUncle Tasteless311
121.Mary Tyler Morgue 3Shoeguy38
122.BigBuckenChicken3Last Stop37
123.A tisket, A tasket, lets fill up a casket 1ttc4319218
124.Krem's ComebackKrem99218
125.naturetrailtohell(in 3d)kiddynomite218
126.Shorty7ft 1shorty7ft218
127.(don't) fear the reaper!USER01832217
128.My Ten Funerals* 2010Jerrytopdown217
129.No Bones About ItDigger O Dell217
130.Not Only but AlsoGryphon217
131.Good Mourning EvanstonGood Mourning Evanston216
132.Good Mourning Evanston 2Good Mourning Evanston216
136.2010 & done 1USER00562215
137.Bones of Contention 02Bones of Contention 1215
138.Charlie FoxtrotOldDocMcCoy215
139.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2010hodag21378215
140.nvrgvup -6NVRGVUP215
142.vicky's vengeancevicky's vengeance215
143.Feral Fodder #1BMT330214
144.Here I come Againcoachgary214
145.IAGO 2IAGO214
146.Slab em 1shorty7ft214
148.Toes Up 5USER02025213
149.We're Driving the Bus to Hell, Again 3Rat Bastard213
150.Cyst and Decease!Pozzo212
151.Going To Take a (Final) Nap 3FireMutt35212
153.Das ReaperStink Finger for Christ211
155.Dear Abby, my doctor wants to kill meStarwanderer211
156.Die NowDie Now211
157.Feral Fodder #3BMT330211
159.Stiff Breeze (the saga continues) 1Captain Chaos 08211
160.60 Minutes to DeathElster000210
161.He say he go to buy sockslindbergh210
162.Off with their headsbuh-bye now210
163.Ken Dodd's Dad's Dog's Deadrogueplanet29
164.No Autopsy RequiredUSER0105429
165.Will Chill 2equestzim729
166.Morgue Manorecho081628
167.Stiffi GrafUSER0595628
168.White Punks on HopeUSER0075028
169.Bugs and Bones 2Bugs and Bones27
171.highway 101peter north27
172.Hope he fails tommorowchakakhanoz27
174.My Dead Wishlistbagum26
175.Pennies on Your Eyesredjellyfish26
176.LIst Three 2010 dpjdpj012225
177.La Muerte1LaMuerte24
179.That is all folks 6Digger O Dell24
181.Always Look on the Bright Side of Death3Angel of Death110
182.Dying is the hard partDiamondToothGertie110
183.Rest in PiecesKendall110
184.Time To Expire In 2010Larry4444110
185.Are We Dead Yet01goodwin7319
186.Check Please 01Hugh G. Wrekshun19
187.Dark Pasquinade #3pasquinade19
188.!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIE 3Albrecht18
189.Dark Pasquinade #2pasquinade18
193.Dark Pasquinade #1pasquinade17
194.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls16
195.One foot in!Dead Fred16
196.SFD Dead PoolOldDocMcCoy16
197.2010 & done 2USER0056215
198.Turner4nowJack turner15
199.Dead 10. Dead 10. Bingo!Starwanderer14
200.Do Us PartNosy Rosie14
201.Pining for the FjordsDave14
202.Steeltown Maniac's Death Pool ListSteeltown Maniac14
203.Hey Hey My MyBlack Dog13
204.Win one for the wallet!razorben12
205.Mary Tyler Morgue's (Kick The) Bucket ListMary Tyler Morgue11


Guess the Stiff!

You think that Village People song is about this little weirdo? Yeah - so do we.

(d) November 24th, 2012