Seve Ballesteros has been played on 759 lists, including 238 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Birdman - He Can't Cheat On You In HeavenBird640
2.Birdman - We Will Miss You Ernie! A Class Act.Bird640
3.Birdman - Why Else Would You Sell the Mansion?Bird638
4.Ghost of Stiffs Past 2Ghost of Stiffs Past538
5.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part XIVhurryupndiealready536
6.Birdman - I Pray For Death EverydayBird535
7.Birdman goes 9 for 10!Bird535
8.Birdman-good luck with that experimental treatment!Bird535
9.Birdman-Til Death Do You PartBird535
10.Birdman - Big Effing DioBird534
11.Birdman - Just One More Sheet! I Swear!Bird534
12.Birdman - Working On The Angel ReunionBird534
13.Death Soup: Gene Gene the Dying MachineMJ and Friends534
14.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ534
15.Birdman - Internation Velvet In Her CoffinBird533
16.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ533
17.Birdman - George Missed A World Series?Bird532
18.Justin Hale 07USER01531532
19.Baxley - Live midget LIVE!!!Baxley531
20.Death Soup: From A(riel) to Z(elda)!MJ and Friends531
21.Going for the MoldDoozy531
22.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Ihurryupndiealready531
23.Justin Hale 08USER01531531
24.-wd-alan smithee530
25.Baxley - Periodic Midget RobbersBaxley530
26.Boz #1Boz530
27.Justin Hale 04USER01531525
28.Guess Who Died?ZUSER01484524
29.Cancer is your friendExit Stage Four523
30.Under Sailing OrdersSAW THE LIGHT522
31.Birdman - Some Coach Will DieBird433
32.Birdman-I'll miss AbeBird433
33.Doc & DJ--That's a Bingo!Doc & DJ432
34.Ghost of Stiffs Past 5Ghost of Stiffs Past432
35.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIIIhurryupndiealready432
36.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED431
37.knock knock knockingbone rattler430
38.Blame the Governor of Rhode IslandRhody Trash429
39.Doc & DJ--Where Decomposition HappensDoc & DJ429
40.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
41.Justin Hale 10USER01531429
42.Albino KenyanBird428
43.MK Sudden DeathMBalmed428
44.Take Me Out CoachRhody Trash428
46.Boris Cutyourcockoff 03USER01531427
47.Justin Hale 03USER01531427
48.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 4Kolchak the Night Stalker427
49.Pokey's Stiffies 2010Pokey22427
50.DePressED7 - My Whole World Turns Misty BlueDePressED426
51.DGD - EnvyDGD426
52.Justin Hale 05USER01531426
53.MK MBalmedMBalmed426
54.Birdman - Dear Abby, Why Can't I Win?Bird425
55.DePressED1 - And You're STILL Hangin' AroundDePressED425
56.Justin Hale 01USER01531425
57.Justin Hale 06USER01531425
58.-ty-alan smithee424
59.Baxley - Run Zelda Run!!!Baxley424
60.Boris CutyourcockoffUSER01531424
61.Boris Cutyourcockoff 02USER01531424
62.Mary Tyler Morgue - Sleeps with the FishMary Tyler Morgue424
63.DGD - SlothDGD423
64.flatliners 1The Shadow422
65.A Grateful DeadheadJudysomething421
66.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl420
67.I REALLY Suck At ThisBibsPal420
68.Dirt Naps For Fun And Profit 3FrankJac417
69.Martha PearlDiane417
70.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
71.Birdman - $3,000 Buys Alot Of Entries!Bird327
72.Birdman - I Always Liked Eva Better AnywayBird327
73.This is how rumors get started 2010USER02248327
75.Justin Hale 02USER01531325
76.Justin Hale 09USER01531325
77.Loki 2Loki325
78.National Casketball Hall of FameRadler325
80.Death Soup: Will Get Fooled Again!MJ and Friends324
81.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
82.Team Formalin II: You ain't gettin' out alive, Biggsy!anarchess324
83.The morgue the merrierStarwanderer324
84.-np-alan smithee323
85.CROSSING OVER (2)02495323
86.Kolchak: The Night Stalker 6Kolchak the Night Stalker323
87.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 2Joker323
88.MK MBalmed 2MBalmed323
89.Trashking Dead Pooldubwest323
90.Ghoulash VIGhoulash322
93.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 3EdRulz321
94.CROSSING OVER (1)02495321
95.Dwyer's Death SquadJim321
96.Good Luck -- We're All Counting on Diealan smithee321
97.Kolchak: the Night Stalker 5Kolchak the Night Stalker321
98.pauly shore just simply will not dieUSER02524321
99.Rocks & HeadstonesRocks and Headstones321
100.Yes, Have Some ... Deathalan smithee321
101.Do You Like Phil Collins?alan smithee320
102.Funeral For A Friend 3USER00495320
103.Joined the Choir Invisiblesplittertogo320
104.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ319
105.Ghoulash VGhoulash319
106.Good Mourning Evanston 3Good Mourning Evanston319
107.The Devils Favorites #3kiss my grits319
108.AsystoleBen Dover318
109.Death Cab for UglyUSER02331318
110.flatliners 2The Shadow317
111.Radtex: Tumor Makes a Does-InRadtex317
112.What's that Smell?What's that smell?317
113.2010 List # 3dpj0122316
114.Asystole4uBen Dover316
115.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots316
116.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost316
117.yeah yeah buh byeyeah yeah buh bye316
118.yeah yeah buh bye 5yeah yeah buh bye316
119.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots315
120.Jackalope Ghost - The Cat Came BackJackalope_Ghost315
121.Lights Out in the Boston Hills 3Joker315
122.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost314
123.Death Soup: Gross UrningsMJ and Friends313
124.yeah yeah buh bye 3yeah yeah buh bye313
125.JT: Last Year's Top Ten SurvivorsTripper312
126.Mary Tyler Morgue's (Kick The) Bucket List 2Mary Tyler Morgue312
127.NJM Green MileNJMCW312
128.PB: Only one list this year (alas)pbear312
130.Soon B. Gonn 1Edhead22312
132.Run Run of Bad Luck LuckUSER00750310
133.coffin cornerDRave13219
134.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleumEdRulz219
135.Jeff's Listnursebecky219
136.ExeuntOmnesExeunt Omnes218
138.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part VIhurryupndiealready218
139.Jose Greco de MuertaMaudieG218
140.The Devils Favorites #1kiss my grits218
143.Exploding Brain Matter IIGhoul Girl217
144.Funeral For A Friend 2USER00495217
146.My Ten Funerals* 2010Jerrytopdown217
147.My Wife's Cat Wants Me DeadSeaPepto217
149.Canaries in a Coal MineRoger Gowiththrottleup216
150.Good Mourning EvanstonGood Mourning Evanston216
151.Good Mourning Evanston 2Good Mourning Evanston216
153.Roger The Cabin BoyBLUISH TINGE216
156.Death Rattle: Bright, Shiny Facesanarchess214
157.Exploding Brain MatterGhoul Girl214
158.IAGO 2IAGO214
159.Deadly Debutante IDeadly Debutante213
160.hark from the tombsJohn 3:16213
161.I like em well doneDirtdiggindogs213
162.Its Only 10 Names-Is that so Hard?AngelasMother213
165.We're Driving the Bus to Hell, Again 3Rat Bastard213
167.Are they Dead Yet?Dead Fred212
168.Charlie Don't Surf with Sharon TayCharlie Dont Surf212
170.Boz #3Boz211
171.Das ReaperStink Finger for Christ211
172.Guess Who Died? 3ZUSER01484211
173.In the Ground IIIn the Box Looking Up211
174.Lots o' sick bastardsBJCx78211
175.Revolting Development this isDigger O Dell211
176.Revolting Development this isDigger O Dell211
177.Walk to the Damn Light!USER02367211
178.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus210
179.LD 100Roger Gowiththrottleup210
180.Rogue MarineRogue Marine210
181.A Grateful Deadhead IJudysomething29
182.azabachenegro 1azabachenegro29
183.Will Chill 2equestzim729
184.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 2Paul168128
185.White Punks on HopeUSER0075028
186.Hope he fails tommorowchakakhanoz27
187.Trout's Dead Fish 2Trout27
188.I WozUSER0033626
189.The Show Can't Go OnBrucovitch26
190.Time's Up 3USER0056226
191.JP's Death ListUSER0580725
193.Well nobody died did they? #3Archangel24
194.The big dead 10executionbyxmasslights23 legionbrutesquad64110
196.blacker legionbrutesquad64110
197.blackest legionbrutesquad64110
198.Dirty Rotting ScoundrelsStarwanderer110
199.Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots110
200.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl110
201.Ghoulash IVGhoulash110
202.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484110
205.Asystole2Ben Dover19
206.I've Got a HunchMr. Blake18
207.Well nobody died did they? #1Archangel18
208.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 1Paul168117
209.Prayer for Rush Limbaugh's AneurismUSER0216517
210.Cemetery Girls 1Cemetery Girls16
211.deep sleepersexecutionbyxmasslights16
212.RJ Thurmont - Death Boy, Word Up!!RJ Thurmont16
213.2010 & done 2USER0056215
214.All My Friends Are DeadDiamondToothGertie15
215.CaliReaper says time to go.CaliReaper15
217.Do Run Run RunUSER0075015
218.Grim ProfiteerNice Sicko15
219.Roger GowiththrottleupRoger Gowiththrottleup15
220.Dead 10. Dead 10. Bingo!Starwanderer14
221.Ghoul Girl IIIGhoul Girl14
223.Dub's second listTheOriginalDub13
224.Alas, PoryorickPoryorick12
226.Deathscore OneDeathscore12
227.CaliReaper's men for ignorant judgesCaliReaper11
228.Chicken at Tresky's1Chicken at Tresky's11
229.100% Deadchakakhanoz00
230.No Bones About It 3Digger O Dell00
231.Nurse! Nurse! Help me! 3Paul168100
232.Ooh, He Sculled That OneUSER0075000
233.Our blackened listJeff G00
234.Phyllis Diller must goexecutionbyxmasslights00
235.RJ Thurmont: Bodybags 3RJ Thurmont00
236.Six foot hole in one, times ten...Starwanderer00
237.Trout's Dead Fish 3Trout00
238.Way Below ParUSER0075000


Guess the Stiff!

A permanent reminder to NEVER take rides from strangers.

(d) June 15th, 1993