Rush Limbaugh has been played on 345 lists, including 215 lists in The 2021 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Death Race 2021USER02395953
3.A list 2021Sunshine Up My Skirt745
4.Cemetery Girls 3Vera743
5.MBalmed 1MBalmed743
7.Seeya 2021VaGentry742
8.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail742
9.Last Call for the Establishmentptgkc741
10.Jackalope GhostJackalope_Ghost738
11.Sirdrexl's StiffsSirDrexl735
12.Victory AND Death 2Shams645
13.2020 SurvivorsLights Out644
14.They All Die in the EndMichenley643
15.2021 AEDLING BIG BOARDAndrew Edling642
16.Can't Be Worse Than 2020shroom642
17.MBalmed 3MBalmed641
18.Naha Assassins1BCeltics641
19.Spitting Up BloodNick ‘n Beth641
20.The Ig's Daisy Pushing ListThe Ig641
22.It's like they're all dead and they don't know it yetuselessexistence640
24.The Ig's Daisy Pushing List 2The Ig640
26.Anarchy Takes Much PracticeAnarchy and a biscuit639
27.Tears Like Rain...Rob.Bob639
28.when you gotta goFrogSoda639
29.Beelzebruh- Rush to judgementunit13638
30.Gonna Be Done in '21Scott in Philly638
31.They deadDead Person Specialist, E638
32.Damn Near Dead IIBada Bing637
34.The Ig's Daisy Pushing List 3The Ig637
36.At Room TemperatureAt Room Temperature634
37.Bring out your dead 2.0MarkMx632
38.Doom From the Tombfromthetomb632
39.In Through the Out Doorptgkc632
40.Your Reservation At Gilgo Is WaitingThe Shadow632
42.Assumed Room Temperaturechriscott97539
43.Death StarsEuro-trash538
44.Death's Doorstep 2Steve P538
45.Dodgering a BulletSBUMP2538
46.MBalmed 2MBalmed538
47.Poolboys and GirlsCheswick538
48.The List: 2021Lord Dickerson538
50.Golden Age of Deathbridgy537
51.Retired from Public Appearances (mostly)BonusPants537
52.Da Dum Dum DeadDead Person Specialist, E536
53.Death Be Not Proud XIITimur536
55.The FloatersCheswick536
56.Anarchy never was a cornflake girlAnarchy and a biscuit535
57.Cemetery Girls 2Vera535
58.Dead On Arrival 2The Coroner535
60.Robbie And The RottensThedudescrew535
61.Top of the Heapthedeadmanshand535
62.Victory AND Death 1Shams535
63.Death becomes themThe rebel.534
64.Hallowed Grounds Ibjaskols534
65.Anarchy's Middle Name is RoxanneAnarchy and a biscuit533
66.Bigger Johnsonsmikeman7178533
67.Dodgers Not Named KoufaxSBUMP2533
68.Master DebatersStromThurmond69533
69.The Game of LifeUSER02045533
70.Covid 21bridgy532
72.Jackalope Ghost II - Your Poison HeartJackalope_Ghost532
74.Grave ExpectationsDeath Always Wins531
76.Excuse Me For Coffin: List O The Dead 3EMFCoffin530
77.Laers 2021 Dirt Napnrubsol530
78.Money, Politics, Talentthedeadmanshand529
79.Bugs and BonesBugs and Bones528
80.rush n' ready 5USER00562528
81.Say Yes to the Death! 3berg1199524
82.Cemetery Girls 4Vera523
83.Donald Be Dead NowDead Person Specialist, E522
84.Blissters 2rjb121162434
85.In a DeadlockDead Person Specialist, E434
86.Chicken at Tresky's # 1Chicken at Tresky's432
87.Ten Little Dead Peoplebridgy432
88.A deadly 2021onyx2783431
89.Don't Fear the ReaperMOJO431
90.Schadenfreude Is RealLaMuerte431
91.Too Sick, Too Old, Gotta Goptgkc431
92.Blissters 1rjb121162430
93.Excuse Me For Coffin: List O The Dead 1EMFCoffin430
94.2021 is the loneliest numberlittle terr429
95.Dead On ArrivalThe Coroner429
96.God Dammit 2goddammit429
97.God Dammit 3goddammit429
98.Ivy Cliff Ahodag21378429
99.JoeRam2Adios Amigos429
100.JoeRam5Adios Amigos429
101.Say Yes to the Death!berg1199429
102.Age is EVERYTHING in a number, you moronsLMac428
103.Dodger Bleeds BlueSBUMP2428
104.Excuse Me For Coffin: List O The Dead 2EMFCoffin428
105.I'm Having a Stiff OneJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag428
106.Their Cold Dead Crawly FingersDead Person Specialist, E428
107.Two Dead Sandies for 2021Bagger428
108.Are We Dead Yet? 002goodwin73427
109.Masked and Ready 2USER00562427
110.Not the Covidmaximumralph427
111.Roll Over BeethovenDead Person Specialist, E427
112.Sick Old PeopleLMac427
113.Anarchy visits Grandma on SundaysAnarchy and a biscuit426
114.Bugs and Bones 3Bugs and Bones426
115.Dead Still not DancingDead Person Specialist, E426
116.I died of cancer and went to hell and all I got was this lousy T-shirtCzechpointChrly426
117.JoeRam3Adios Amigos426
118.Sick and the Dead - Trautz1TeamTrautz426
120.Damn Near DeadBada Bing425
121.Dearly Departedblaum1425
122.Die, goppers, dieWouldYouEva425
123.They GoneFrogSoda425
124."Rush" to the Graveurbscholar424
125.Bacon Egg And SeasThedudescrew424
126.JoeRam6Adios Amigos424
127.Rat Bastards 1Rat Bastard424
128.Fate Worse Than Death...Again...Santa Fe Syndicate423
129.Nicoles 2021 List of People Who Will Live 4everspol85423
130.Sirius Thecat Did It AgainSirius Thecat did it423
131.Soul HuntersHunterbeer423
132.The ultimate cancellationUSER02524423
133.Cemetery Girls 6Vera422
134.Dark Bidding on the InternetJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag422
135.Death By Pinocle 4oregontrail422
136.Death- Tarot WomanJayRockers!421
137.Coffinrattler - The Ancientcoffinrattler420
138.screw you guys I'm going homeMale stripper420
139.Sirius Thecat Did It ThriceSirius Thecat did it418
140.Chicken at Tresky's # 2Chicken at Tresky's416
141.Sirius Thecat Did ItSirius Thecat did it415
142.God Dammit 1goddammit327
143.Got Stiffs?TheJtizzle13327
144.I Can See Cleary NowBig Bald Jon327
145.Don't Fear the ReaperMOJO325
146.Not Dead Yet XITimur325
147.Round Two - T3TeamTrautz325
148.Stiffmeister SelectsTheJtizzle13325
149.Stiffy Jiffy'sTheJtizzle13325
150.Cemetery Girls 1Vera324
151.JoeRam1Adios Amigos324
152.Knock knock, you deadDead Person Specialist, E324
153.Victory AND Death 3Shams324
154.Anarchy with Biscuits & JamAnarchy and a biscuit323
155.At The TollboothFredo let's go fishing323
156.Death- No Bone MoviesJayRockers!323
158.Masked and Ready 3USER00562323
159.A Little on the Sick SideEuro-trash322
160.Bored StiffPrncsJuli322
161.I'll take will be like you for 200 Alex.RD02322
162.JoeRam4Adios Amigos322
163.Mr. Blake's Old MenMr. Blake322
164.Rush Turns To MushElle DoubleYou322
165.Zsa Zsa's Still DeadJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag322
166.Dead on Arrival 3The Coroner321
167.Death Pool Gambler 6Death pool gambler321
168.Don't Fear the Reaper govMOJO321
170.Lizzie BordenJackalope_Ghost321
171.NewbiesBunn's Bones To Be321
172.Joe Bacon's 2021 Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker320
173.Wohlert's rotting remainsonefunsob320
174.Coffin Rattler - The Hopefulcoffinrattler319
175.Nenn mich nicht mildredMale stripper319
176.Notorious RIPRadler319
178.Death By Pinocle 1oregontrail318
179.Death- Romeo DelightJayRockers!318
181.Memorial Park Ranger 1memorialparkranger318
182.Mortician's Dozenmaximumralph318
183.Natalie Woods life guardMaryjo80318
184.The Good Die Young XITimur318
185.Dead and dustyDead Person Specialist, E317
186.DeadheadsThe Coroner317
187.Michelle and BuckBuck317
188.6 Feet Down UnderPrncsJuli316
189.Playin' the OddsEuro-trash316
190.Big Yinalan smithee315
191.rush n' ready 4USER00562315
193.Not Feeling WellBada Bing219
194.The Choir InvisibleGhettoZombie219
196.Say Yes to the Death! 2berg1199216
197.Willie Die?The Shadow214
198.God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and WomenTwisted Freak213
199.Leftovers 2020Bunn's Bones To Be213
200.Masked and Ready 1USER00562213
201.Death By Pinocle 3oregontrail212
202.Extreme Unctionmaximumralph211
203.the dead popes societyMale stripper210
204.the devastating linearity of timemirandate29
205.I like being rightChrissy28
206.Anarchy is an INTPAnarchy and a biscuit27
207.Anarchy is a Title 9 sportAnarchy and a biscuit110
208.Anarchy's spirit animal is Kate BushAnarchy and a biscuit110
209.Deadbeats Unrelated To MeEllexxxx110
210.Exit Stage Left 2Paladin110
212.Slow and the Dead - T3TeamTrautz110
213.Six Feet UnderIncognito18
214.Team DeathWish 2021 (3)gfultz117
215.Anarchy eats cake for breakfastAnarchy and a biscuit16


Guess the Stiff!

Realy b ded.

(d) November 9th, 2006