Prince Philip has been played on 2486 lists, including 184 lists in The 2013 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Birdman - I have nothingBird740
2.Cause of Death Was Mercury PoisoningGhost of Stiffs Past642
3.Cartman- Jack Klugman Ruined XmasCARTMAN640
4.Birdman - Big Al'sBird637
5.Doc & DJ-- He Does Watercolors...Mostly Landscapes, but a Few Nudes.Doc & DJ635
6.Deader Than Mike Vick's CareerAndyD630
7.Star DustStar Dust537
8.DNR/DNI 4Nurseboy535
9.Birdman 13Bird534
10.Birdman 14Bird534
11.Van Quishedlucky punk534
12.could be, might be....your outta here 2bjaskols532
13.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ531
14.EMFC: The Casket Price is RightEMFCoffin531
15.Come On, I Wanna See Em In A Mausoleum 6EdRulz529
16.Last Siop 3Last Stop525
17.One Deadbeat Off 2Susie Sicko522
18.DNR/DNI 2Nurseboy520
19.Checking it twice 1RJD519
21.Change You Can Bereave In!Chicago Jake433
22.Birdman - My fingers are tiredBird432
23.Charlie Don't Surf - The Leaders will fallCharlie Dont Surf430
24.Extreme Deathpooling - Politician EditionSFisher430
25.Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots430
26.La Muerte1LaMuerte430
27.EMFC: Hate to Say it Yogi, It's OverEMFCoffin429
28.WAH 2013 #2USER02593429
29.Doc & DJ--So, You Came Back to Die with Your CityDoc & DJ428
30.Tsuga - Die EngelTsuga425
31.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls424 fence 1rfenster424
34.Leaders Edition 2013bjaskols422
35.Daisey Pusherssquidly766421
36.Feasting Maggots 9Feasting Maggots421
37.My Ten Funerals Political 2013Jerrytopdown421
39.Guess Who Died? 1ZUSER01484420
40.Guess Who Died? 2ZUSER01484420
41.Baxley - I Hate This ListBaxley419
42.Future Dirt NappersTeam Sleep419
43.The Living DeadAutopsyTurvy419
44.Down the Latrine in '13Scott in Philly418
45.KimE - Corpses Wanted 2013calvey418
47.My 2013 water fountainAndy418
48.Penguin's Picks 3ThePenguin418
49.Capehaven PeepsRus253415
50.No Obits NeededYule Log415
51.Drop Dead 3Drop Dead327
52.Pookie's Stiffs #3Pookie's Stiffs324
53.Tits-Up Itits-up324
55.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl323
56.Plowing The Deep 2hop1962323
57.Tsuga - Saddest SongTsuga323
58.I Can Change This Later, Right? - IIIBut Is It Art?322
59.All That Lives Must DieRus253321
60.Sarcophagus Sam's Silent StableSarcophagus Sam321
61.Autumn Harvest - Butter's BetsPezintree320
63.For the love of Marymommyster320
64.Lucky Punks don't floatJESUSCHRISTALMIGHTY320
65.Dx Rob IIIDX Rob319
66.Everyone Dies in the EndMichenley319
67.Just Kickin' ItJLM211wx (Just Kickin It!319
68.A Little Power is a Dangerous Thingthebrainsbackstage318
69.A Sure Thing...Deckhawk318
70.Last Stop 1Last Stop318
71.Rachel's Walking Dead 6Rachel A318
73.CHAD: The Vagina Is A Self Cleaning OvenCHAD317
74.Sod SquadBarker J. Wagtail317
75.The King Is Dead-Long Live the Dead KingHauntedWebmaster317
76.Toast PoliticiansCanucklehead317
77.An Old Rangers Shoppin ListCanadian Alldeads316
78.I Saw a White LightDestroyers316
79.Radtex: I Hearse You Been CoffinRadtex316
80.No way they'll see 2014ashifman314
81.Hardanger Dies TomorrowHardanger Dies Today313
82.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013- Ahodag21378312
83.Saw The Light #1SAW THE LIGHT312
85.I like games where people die.narwhalicorn25338
86.Ivy Cliff Memorial 2013 - Bhodag2137838
87.List of the lostringbark219
88.My Kingdom For A CorpseFluvenson219
89.bird is deadPIANOGIRL218
90.Death- World Leader RoundupJayRockers!218
92.DX Rob IDX Rob218
94.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus217
95.Don de DeadDeadly Debutante217
96.Would Some of These People DIE already?GrouchoHarpoChicoDeado217
97.Zombie Food for the FutureAmy Sue217
99.Sure to be dead soonMikeDog216
101.The Graveyard...theappointment215
102.Traded to the Angels 1Lady Die215
103.Bad News Bears 2012nlcfsemfc214
104.CHAD: How Old Are You Again?CHAD214
105.Coffin Up BloodKirby214
106.Feeding the treesHoneybee214
107.Fiscal Cliff JumpersEvil Lemons214
108.Nick's Awesome List for 2013Nick -- Dead or Alive214
109.A Likely CandidateRavenna213
110.All stiffed up and nowhere to go in phoenix 2USER02204213
111.Cayman see yacayman went212
112.MJ Lives IIIMJ Lives212
113.Rachel's Walking Dead 2Rachel A212
114.Stiff thisshorty7ft212
115.The Back of Johnny Ola's HandFrankie Pentangeli212
116.UnforTENately, Your Number is UpTumor_Makes_A_Does_In212
117.the city morgueYou kill em, we chill em211
118.Village Stiffy 4village144211
119.could be, might be....your outta here 3bjaskols210
120.Happy Days in HeavenPokey22210
123.Deathwish 2013DeathWish29
124.Leftovers from Last yearmoribundus29
125.Maloyo13-02Maloyo231729 foot in, one foot outHighbeam29
127.Famous Fossils IIIHugh G. Wrekshun28
129.Who doesn't want their red stufflindbergh28
130.See Ya, Wouldn't wanna be yaBigsunset196727
131.Here we go again..Clever Team Name26
132.Old SmellUSER0252425
133.Cartman- They Outlived TwinkiesCARTMAN110
134.Dan Z.'s Stiff ListDan Z.110
135.Gail's Dead Pool 2013SatiricalAlexandria110
137.Not lookin' Good for HugoElster000110
139.Tampa SocialiteDiamondToothGertie110
140.Walking Dead, just take one to the head alreadyWalking Dead Die Already110
141.Whitneys waiting 1Maryjo80110
142.extra 2USER0056219
143.Martha's listMartha19
144.Styrofoam Bologna 3Gina303019
145.Zsa Zsa will be safe as long as she is on my list 3Maryjo8019
146.Bobess dead guysBobessler18
147.Death Becomes UsPeople Meat18
149.Old white menSwine18
150.Dead and taxedTerminator17
151.rotting corpsestowelielife17
153.Brat PackUSER0246116
154.Phil & Dons' Funeral Home #5Shoeguy16
155.Rigor IVRigor16
156.Shuffling Off The Mortal CoilEradicator16
157.Doctor of Death--More Menthe doctor of death14
158.This is your Year!Evil Lemons14
159.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #7FrankJac13
161.Azabache 2013 (1)azabachenegro12
162.Celebrity Zombie Apocalypse 2013 Part Deuxmsastria12
163.Oldies but GoodiesPHALEX12
164.Rastalls Reapers 2013 IIRastalls12
165.chalk'm upthemayorpete11
166.MisadventureConcrete Shoes11
167.60 Feet UnderDead and Loving It00
168.Bring out yer dead 2pooblemoo00
169.Dawn of the Dead3Dying 4 Cash00
170.Dick Trickles_Bye Bye Hugh Downsdigginsjp00
171.Exploding Brain MATTerUSER0584800
172.Jagrnuts Death SquadJagrnut00
173.Joan's Listgnjmeyer00
175.MATTOID - Assorted Stiffs To BeThe Mattoid00
176.Old Cats DyingIgnatius' Rubber Glove00
177.Older than dirtElster00000
178.pool 1spookymagoo00
181.Shanny Valleypisco00
182.The Mayans were wrong...Chris Goulart00
183.The Sands of TimeThe Pancreatic Answer00
184.Zsa Zsa NoMorehancoach1300


Guess the Stiff!

For years, his wit made him perfect
For game shows and talk shows and roasts
But now, TV's "Poet Laureate"
Ain't got shit to say, 'cause he's toast.

(d) October 2nd, 2005