Miep Gies has been played on 534 lists, including 167 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Birdman - He Can't Cheat On You In HeavenBird640
2.Birdman - We Will Miss You Ernie! A Class Act.Bird640
3.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 6EdRulz636
4.Dr. Who - Bunch of Old FartsDr. Who633
5.JT: Just a Bunch of Old FolksTripper633
6.LA LISTE DE MEO - 2010Meo633
7.You're OUTwsprotte633
8.Pookie's Stiffs #1Pookie's Stiffs632
9.SirDrexl's StiffsSirDrexl631
10.Afraid of the Dark #3Minnesota Neil539
11.Destroyers 9Destroyers538
12.Ghost of Stiffs Past 8Ghost of Stiffs Past537
13.Birdman-good luck with that experimental treatment!Bird535
14.Death ValleyBones McCoy534
15.Birdman - Internation Velvet In Her CoffinBird533
16.Mary Worth Advises You to Commit SuicideRhody Trash533
17.Stiff in the MorningUSER05956533
18.Birdman - George Missed A World Series?Bird532
19.Baxley - I'm back... and bitter...Baxley531
20.Death Soup: From A(riel) to Z(elda)!MJ and Friends531
21.Destroyers 3Destroyers531
22.Doc & DJ--Everything. Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.Doc & DJ531
23.Going for the MoldDoozy531
24.Justin Hale 08USER01531531
25.Baxley - Periodic Midget RobbersBaxley530
26.Boz #1Boz530
27.Cash From Cancer: Stiff and WoodenCash From Cancer530
28.Cartman- Putting the X in MMXCARTMAN528
29.Long live the deadDead Fred527
30.MK Oldies But GoodiesMBalmed527
31.95 and Die ClubJohnRandy526
32.Swingin' For The Fencesbridgy526
33.Death Soup: Stand, It's M'LiverMJ and Friends525
34.Destroyers 1Destroyers525
35.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: HellfireFTG525
36.PUSHING UP DAISIES (1)02495525
37.Guess Who Died?ZUSER01484524
38.Destroyers 8Destroyers522
39.FTG: Berle is a Gnat Fucking Tweezer DickFTG522
41.Lots o' old bastardsBJCx78434
42.Destroyers 4Destroyers432
43.Pokey's Zombies 2010Pokey22432
44.You Can't Take It With YouBridgcorp431
45.Doc & DJ--Giving Away Rings at the HolocaustDoc & DJ430
46.Pookie's Stiffs #2Pookie's Stiffs430
47.Blame the Governor of Rhode IslandRhody Trash429
48.Everything's Deader in TexasBluelena429
49.Opie's murder by slingshot - Blinkin’s MomKudsKroakers429
50.Albino KenyanBird428
52.AAAAAAAA Really, really, really old listBucket Kickers427
53.Boris Cutyourcockoff 03USER01531427
54.Destroyers 6Destroyers427
55.Nothing Lasts ForeverBridgcorp427
57.And Then There Were None 1Digger O Dell426
58.And Then There Were None 1Digger O Dell426
59.Death Valley IIBones McCoy426
60.Destroyers 5Destroyers426
61.MK MBalmedMBalmed426
62.Notorious R.I.PRadler426
63.Radtex: His and HearseRadtex425
64.Come on I wanns See 'em in a mausoleum 2EdRulz424
65.Mary Tyler Morgue - Sleeps with the FishMary Tyler Morgue424
67.Cash From Cancer: Miep, Miep, six feet deepCash From Cancer423
68.Cemetery Girls 3Cemetery Girls423
69.DGD - SlothDGD423
70.flatliners 1The Shadow422
71.Like fine winemoribundus422
72.A Grateful DeadheadJudysomething421
73.Destroyers 7Destroyers420
74.I REALLY Suck At ThisBibsPal420
75.Mary Tyler Morgue 1Shoeguy420
76.NVN: Arod's still an assholeNo Viagra Needed419
77.salnbetts2Sal & Barb417
78.nvrgvup -4NVRGVUP416
79.Trout's Dead Fish 1Trout415
81.Loki 2Loki325
82.You're Only As Dead As You FeelBiff Thanatos325
83.circling the drainDiamond Geezer324
84.Joan Crawford's Eyebrow PencilJoanCrawfordsMakeupBag324
85.old as dirtYou're Dead To Me!324
86.Rachel's List 2Rachel A324
87.Team Formalin II: You ain't gettin' out alive, Biggsy!anarchess324
88.Are We Dead Yet02goodwin73323
89.Team Formalin: Say It With Dead Flowersanarchess323
91.Deathwish 2010DeathWish322
92.Destroyers 2Destroyers322
93.jnik's Die, you old farts! Die!!!USER00353321
94.JT: My Snarky EntryTripper321
95.RJ Thurmont: Moldy OldiesRJ Thurmont321
96.Cash From Cancer: Miep Gies? Miep Dies!Cash From Cancer320
97.Class of 90USER01832320
98.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part IIhurryupndiealready320
99.Congratulations- you're all going to see 2011BooBeau319
100.Death Soup: Death Watch BeatlesMJ and Friends319
101.Pinin' for the FjordsPining for the Fjords319
102.Ruby Muhhamad isn't Famous??????????Grime Reaper319
103.The Devils Favorites #3kiss my grits319
104.Death March1BCeltics318
105.Lights Out in the Boston HillsJoker318
106.Opie's murder by slingshot - Nod’s MomKudsKroakers318
107.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428318
108.DJ Badger says DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!DJ Badger317
110.Radtex: Tumor Makes a Does-InRadtex317
111.Rachel's List 1Rachel A316
112.home to jesus3bjaskols315
113.Let the Decade BeginDoubled484315
115.Bring It On: Biggs Has To GoDeath Bastard314
117.Tomtsled-10 New Tombstones 2Tomtsled313
118.NJM Green MileNJMCW312
119.Potts Kitchen BaconMarkMx312
120.Tell Your Don What Everyone Seems To KnowFrankie Pentangeli312
121.Vagina Death SquadUSER00750310
122.Go ahead and buy green bananasBooBeau219
123.If you're on this list, you'll see 2011BooBeau219
124.Death Soup: Turn Me On Dead ManMJ and Friends218
125.Jose Greco de MuertaMaudieG218
126.The Devils Favorites #1kiss my grits218
127.(don't) fear the reaper!USER01832217
128.It's Your Time-- And My Money!humanmeal217
129.Ned KellyDX Rob217
130.Not Only but AlsoGryphon217
131.Good Mourning EvanstonGood Mourning Evanston216
132.Good Mourning Evanston 2Good Mourning Evanston216
133.Roger The Cabin BoyBLUISH TINGE216
134.The Dirt NappersTaugh216
135.home to Jesusbjaskols215
136.Serve and Let DieBrucovitch215
137.Soon B. Gonn 2Edhead22215
138.Death Rattle: Bright, Shiny Facesanarchess214
139.Death Valley IIIBones McCoy214
140.H.R. PufnstiffUSER05956214
142.hark from the tombsJohn 3:16213
143.Its Only 10 Names-Is that so Hard?AngelasMother213
144.La Muerte2LaMuerte213
145.Horizontally YoursBarker J. Wagtail212
146.Boz #3Boz211
147.Bring It ONDeath Bastard211
148.Mourning GloryDiamondToothGertie211
150.Walk to the Damn Light!USER02367211
151.Counting Bodies Like SheepDGambrinus210
152.Quit Yer Bitchin' and Get StiffasthedeadtuRNs210
153.We're Drivin' the Bus to Hell, Again 1Rat Bastard29
154.White Punks on HopeUSER0075028
156.Trout's Dead Fish 2Trout27
157.Boz #2Boz26
158.your dead too meYou're Dead To Me!26
159.your dead too meYou're Dead To Me!26
160.JT: Now I'm Just Pulling Names Outta My AssTripper25
161.Babes of DeathReaperMadness110
162.AAAAAAAAnother really, really, really old listBucket Kickers19
164.home to jesus2bjaskols15
167.tisket a casket a mortuary basketStarwanderer14


Guess the Stiff!

He was decorated as a World War I flying ace, won an Academy Award for his screen adaptation of Pygmalion and also wrote 19 novels, but he'll be best remembered for the endearing relationship he shared with Beany.

(d) January 27th, 1997