Rodney Dangerfield has been played on 228 lists, including 11 lists in The March '02 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Don Pescado-The Grammy's are ostinatosUSER01513219
2.DXRob 3USER02676219
3.Doc--When Did Diabetes Become Such a Killer?USER02665216
4.BIG E - That's EntertainmentUSER02633211
5.lebastille's Immunity ChallengeUSER00220211
6.The TombescentUSER01439211
8.Coatlicue-Do you remember Yama?USER0151317
9.FlamingoNut 3USER0382014
11.Wednesday 1Wednesday00


Guess the Stiff!

This pretty much ruins Nike's plans for a new line of camel-racing shoes, which were to be called Heir Jordans.

(d) February 7th, 1999