Dick Cheney has been played on 918 lists, including 49 lists in The 2024 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Mah LizstSueEllen310
3.Bones Marie 2024Bones Marie19
4.Mama Cyn2TeamTrautz19
5.Terminal Joe #1Terminal Joe19
6.Ghoul Girl IIGhoul Girl18
7.Kay Tastrophe's Bucket of BonesKay Tastro-Phe18
8.sleddog 2024sleddog18
9.Lost in DeathBig Bald Jon17
10.Sirdrexl's StiffsSirDrexl17
11.Taking Dead Aimtrail of blood16
12.All The Young Dudes MMCMXXIVel bobbo15
13.Cemetery Girls 3Vera15
14.Don't Fear the Reaper 2MOJO15
15.Dicks AllChris Goulart11
16.2024 Obits MaybeRD0200
17.Bones Marie - except for Jimmy, here's hopingBones Marie00
18.Cemetery Girls 1Vera00
19.Cemetery Girls 2Vera00
20.Damn Near DeadBada Bing00
22.Death By Pinocle 1oregontrail00
23.Death By Pinocle 6oregontrail00
24.Dicks and IconsRastafarian Mormon00
25.Dying to get out of hereChris Goulart00
26.Dying to get out of here 10Chris Goulart00
27.Dying to get out of here 5Chris Goulart00
28.Extinguished GuestsBelleOnWheels00
29.Ghoul Girl IGhoul Girl00
30.Gold Medalist In The Underground LugeMcPutt00
31.GoodnightChris Goulart00
32.Iggy says you're dead IIThe Ig00
33.La Muerte Politically IncorrecrtLaMuerte00
34.Leftovers TWOBunn's Bones To Be00
35.Lie down and sleep...foreverJohnHines00
36.Many Faces CryChris Goulart00
38.Old Politicains Kick the Bucketscb420800
39.Read em and Reap 2Triplez47800
40.Read \'em and ReapTriplez47800
41.Reap What You Sow!razorben00
42.Right Said DeadLefacebella00
44.Team DeathWish (2) 2024gfultz100
45.The Men's RoomChris Goulart00
46.They died for you (Dos)The Force is Deathening00
47.Trail of Bloodtrail of blood00
48.VIP list to meet my momWonderbooty91100
49.What a bunch of Richardsrazorben00


Guess the Stiff!

He was funny. Mostly because his name was actually Shecky.

(d) December 31st, 2023