Zsa Zsa Gabor has been played on 6912 lists, including 108 lists in The August 2010 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
3.Raoul 04USER01531519
5.And Then There Were NoneDePressED428
7.A Woman on the Deadpool TicketGhost of Stiffs Past426
8.Raoul 01USER01531424
9.Adolph Cutyourcockoff. Boris is my bro. 01USER01531419
10.Daisy A Day DearDePressED419
11.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Never Say GoodbyeFTG418
13.Raoul 07USER01531414
15.Venus LovemotionDePressED327
17.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Girl in the WoodsFTG324
18.Xtreme DeadpoolingDePressED323
19.Yondah Lies da Castle of My Foddah da KingGhost of Stiffs Past323
21.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ322
23.Lady Caroline MuffmuncherDePressED321
24.Baxley - Poached, not fried.Baxley320
26.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Emergency LandingFTG320
27.The Tampa Bay BuccaneersDePressED320
28.2010 Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots319
29.Doc & DJ--For the Love of God, Trade Vince Carter!Doc & DJ319
30.Raoul 05USER01531319
32.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Honolulu LuFTG318
33.Doc & DJ--We're Down Like SyndromeDoc & DJ316
35.Doc & DJ--John O'Conner Memorial ListDoc & DJ315
37.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: BarqueroFTG314
38.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Pony ExpressFTG314
39.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Rage at DawnFTG314
42.Doc & DJ--Chris Hanson's AxeDoc & DJ219
43.Doc & DJ--Who's Better Than Us?Doc & DJ217
44.EMFC Dozing and DecomposingEMFCoffin217
45.The 10-Point Shot Heard Round the WorldGhost of Stiffs Past216
46.2010 Feasting Maggots 1Feasting Maggots215
47.2010 Feasting Maggots 2Feasting Maggots215
48.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ215
49.Adolph Cutyourcockoff. Boris is my bro. 04USER01531213
50.Doc & DJ--Aruba, Jamaica...Ooooo I Want to Kill Ya'Doc & DJ213
51.One in the ground is worth Bushshorty7ft212
52.Ashes to Ashes Dust to Dust IISIRROB99211
53.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Laughing AnneFTG211
54.Killer Advocatelaptoplg211
55.deathbitch unbrideledPIANOGIRL210
56.seemed like a good ideabjaskols210
57.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: The Trollenberg TerrorFTG29
58.JON 3Jon0006029
59.Tomtsled-Sebree Johnson's Nutsack In Your MouthTomtsled29
60.Baxley - Seve Irwin ReduxBaxley28
61.Cartman- The Heartbreak of PsoriasisCARTMAN28
62.Bobby's List 2rojoepeters27
63.Ashes To Ashes Dust to DustSIRROB9926
64.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Bugles in the AfternoonFTG26
65.Tomtsled-Respect Sebree Before He Spokes UTomtsled24
66.Bye Byeshorty7ft110
67.Can't spell terrific without Terrilittle terr18
68.PushN DayZeezmaxwell's silver hammer18
69.AA never helps.shorty7ft17
70.Bobby's List 5rojoepeters17
71.Mark Ballas hearts Derek Hough, right?AliciaandMark17
72.C'mon, Dolores, it's timeLethal16
73.Cartman- Almost FamousCARTMAN16
74.Death be not proudTimur16
75.Doc & DJ--It's Not So Much That I Want to Kill Her...It's Just, I Want Her Not to be Alive AnymoreDoc & DJ16
76.Forrest Tucker's Ghost: Jubilee TrailFTG16
77.Skunkhair #4skunkhair15
79.Ghoul Girl XtraGhoul Girl14
80.Heywood JablomeUSER0011914
81.JON 1Jon0006014
83.Tomtsled-Sebree Is Not The Name Of A Fruity DrinkTomtsled14
84.Will There Really Be a Mourning?DiamondToothGertie14
85.Bobby's List 3rojoepeters13
86.soon to be pushing daisiesbjaskols13
87.deathbitch rides againPIANOGIRL12
88.Dirty Maggots 2echo081612
89.Maggots 2echo081612
90.Death Soup: Screwed Over By BP!MJ and Friends11
91.Quit lookin at my ducks!AliciaandMark11
92.Starr's list 2RockStarr11
93.Bobby's Listrojoepeters00
94.Boopity Boop and Goo rule!AliciaandMark00
95.Bye Bye Terdieshorty7ft00
96.Cartman- Vuvuzela!CARTMAN00
97.Death is in the stars 2010.DC Celebrity Necrologist00
98.Death Soup: Good Bye, Dahlink!MJ and Friends00
99.Funny or Diebjaskols00
100.Hello, I'm dead nowBucket Kickers00
101.If You Build It They Will DieBad Karma00
102.JON 2Jon0006000
103.Left for DeathLeft Behind to DIE!00
104.Mass Cadaversjeffp00
105.Reap 'Em & Weep 4USER0055700
106.Some greats, some not so greatsDollyrus00
107.Something Old, Something Newcodergrrl00
108.They Gon' Get Deadedjokebreath00


Guess the Stiff!

How can they tell?

(d) May 12th, 2001