Donald Trump has been played on 287 lists, including 32 lists in The 2024 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Blake's Mixed BoneyardMr. Blake19
2.Bones Marie 2024Bones Marie19
3.Land of Cemetaries Spread with Dead CreamRastafarian Mormon19
4.Some yays, some awwsnokaoi19
5.Twenty twenty twenty four hours to go...I wanna be crematedsnakedya19
6.Don't Fear the Reaper randomMOJO16
7.(The)Terminal ListHello it's me13
8.Aspirational But OnePushing buttons since Oct13
9.Iggy says you're dead IIIThe Ig13
10.2024 Obits MaybeRD0200
14.Bones Marie - except for Jimmy, here's hopingBones Marie00
15.Davey Bones' DossierBones Marie00
16.Dead IdiotsMale stripper00
17.Dicks and IconsRastafarian Mormon00
18.Don't Fear the Reaper / GovMOJO00
19.Dust Is BittenBison00
20.Dying to get out of here 10Chris Goulart00
21.Hate List version 37Sarkon00
22.In the MoneyCarolieIvy00
23.leck mich am ArschMale stripper00
24.Lie down and sleep...foreverJohnHines00
25.Many Faces CryChris Goulart00
26.Names What the Hellwet grave00
28.Reap What You Sow!razorben00
29.Sinky Corpsesdvzkul00
30.Team DeathWish (2) 2024gfultz100
31.Time for that NAPChris Goulart00
32.Where's Columbo?Abbe CG00


Guess the Stiff!

That's All Folks!

(d) February 22nd, 2002