Carl Reiner has been played on 546 lists, including 18 lists in The 2014 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Erika Anne Drank the Kool-AidBuffiedee532
2.September MournRadler324
3.Bye, CentenialPozzo323
4.Assault with a Deadly List!Dead Person Specialist, E315
6.Xyla PhonyGhoulash213
7.Waiting at Heavens doorChuckie211
8.Famous Fossils VIHugh G. Wrekshun27
9.One day bang! you get hiveslindbergh110
10.Still Not Very F*ckin' Funny NOW, Is It?humanmeal19
11.Matt and Bo combined excellenceMdombros18
12.Over The Rainbow BridgeNick ‘n Beth17
13.poor kittylindbergh17
14.List 6Donkey Sausage12
16.E ho'a'o no i pau kuhihewa 3 (Try it to End the Panic)MITINCUSA00
17.Thats all folksThe rebel.00
18.Tony's DeadMaster Nubbins00


Guess the Stiff!

Out go the lights.

(d) March 11th, 2006