Here’s one more ruling we didn’t think we’d have to spell out, but what’s another coupla hundred bytes? Actually, this sitch was originally covered on our page of legal gobbledy-gook, but none of you seem able to read anything that’s not funny, so here goes. You can’t use animals. Clear?
We don’t want to come off like snobs, or anything, but too many of the little four-legged bastards have short life-spans. Yes, it could be argued that the definition gets kinda fuzzy when you start talking about people like Terry Bradshaw and Steven Seagal, but that’s what Commissioners are for. Deal with it.
You may want to change the name “homo sapian” rule. It is being considered to upgrade Chimpanzees to homo sapian status and change ours to I believe homo sapian sapian, not sure of the human name change yet, but regardless the name change will be coming regardless of the chimpanzee for a long list of scientific reasons I am sure you are not interested in or may not understand, no offense meant, really……………….