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This list was submitted by USER00355 on Wednesday, December 30th, 1998 at 3:24 AM PST for The 1999 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Pope John Paul IIApril 2nd, 200584
9Vaclav HavelDecember 18th, 201175
8Sarah Knauss December 30th, 1999119
7Sarah Delany January 25th, 1999109
6Sam SneadMay 23rd, 200289
5Johnny CashSeptember 12th, 200371
4Buddy EbsenJuly 6th, 200395
3Joe DiMaggio March 8th, 199984
2Johnny PayCheckFebruary 19th, 200364
1Bob HopeJuly 27th, 2003100
18 points 3 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

Chain-smoking co-host of a cooking show called "Two Fat Ladies" which featured recipes heavy on the butter. How is it possible that none of us saw this coming?

(d) August 10th, 1999