Mel Brooks has been played on 944 lists, including 17 lists in The 2016 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Stiff Breeze returns 3Captain Chaos 08321
2.Luck B A Stiffy Tonight: Third Time's a Charmmommyster311
3.CONCRETE SHOESConcrete Shoes218
4.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit #6FrankJac215
5.They Gone 2fouriikc215
6.Stiff Breeze returns 1Captain Chaos 08212
7.Morte Elenco dei VonMaxBVMax19
9.DEAD ON ARIVALHeart Stopper17
11.Lifetime Achievement Award RecipientsTrinettRae15
12.No Chance In Hell 2toomanycards13
13.Old, Sick, and TiredChris Goulart12
14.Dankastiffs 2016Dankasus11
15.i did no researchtheappointment00
16.I see dead peoplemb111300
17.Mark This Down & Move It!humanmeal00


Guess the Stiff!

A former Senator, Governor and University President who twice ran for the Democratic Presidential nomination, but you can bet that if he weren't on 59 lists, we wouldn't even be talking about him.

(d) April 18th, 1998