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This list was submitted by USER01264 on Sunday, February 2nd, 2003 at 7:06 AM PST for The 2003 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Dick VitaleAlive?
9Lester Maddox June 25th, 200387
8Warren Zevon September 7th, 200356
7Katharine Hepburn June 29th, 200396
6Fay WrayAugust 8th, 200496
5Norm CrosbyNovember 7th, 202093
4Blake EdwardsDecember 16th, 201088
3Esther WilliamsJune 6th, 201391
2Bess MyersonDecember 14th, 201490
1Hume Cronyn June 15th, 200391
25 points 4 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

100 people were surveyed, top 5 answers are on the board, here's the question: What talentless, unattractive, kiss-crazy game show weirdo finally got beat by esophageal cancer?

(d) June 2nd, 2012