Philip Cortelyou Johnson has been played on 154 lists, including 38 lists in The 2004 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Colin's College FundUSER01898421
2.Go Fish2USER01898318
3.Beaver CleavageDePressED315
4.Death March 31BCeltics217
5.Death March 101BCeltics216
6.SeaPepto-What The Hell...This One's Free!SeaPepto216
7.SLEEPS WITH THE FISH 2Mary Tyler Morgue216
8.Dragons Bane IIUSER01289214
9.Dwyer's Death WatchJim211
11.As If It Were Your Last #2Minnesota Neil210
12.Handful of Dust - Bad SalmonUSER01410210
13.Handful of Dust - DessicationUSER01410110
14.Nonagenarian Males for $15, AlexDGD110
15.Dial Up DeathUSER0124119
16.Drownproofing 101 with Prof. Ted KennedyDGD19
17.Eton Rifles 2USER0147719
18.Spiny Norman 1USER0142119
19.The Ralph Wiggum ArmyUSER0146919
20.Dwyer's Doom TeamJim18
21.Shotrock's Burned StonesUSER0172618
22.Playin' It SafeBibsPal17
23.Alive When the Titanic Could Still FloatUSER0099911
24.1 Sick Bitch 1USER0126400
25.1 Sick Bitch 5USER0126400
26.1 Sick Bitch 6USER0126400
27.AA2-Over 95 and time is running outUSER0175500
28.Al Bundy- Its a Bundyful DeathBig Bald Jon00
29.CheriG22 is Number One AgainUSER0198100
30.Eyechart's 2nd 2004 ListUSER0138200
31.I told you I was sickUSER0164800
32.Jordan's Dust in The VeinsRJ Thurmont00
33.Loki 1Loki00
35.mourning muurayUSER0172200
36.Phil This ListUSER0120500
38.Steve's list of soon to be dead people - year 2USER0172400


Guess the Stiff!

Roger Ebert once said "I believe Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet is the most exciting film of Shakespeare ever made" Well, jeez. There you go then.

(d) June 15th, 2019