Pervez Musharraf has been played on 161 lists, including 5 lists in The 2003 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.die alreadyUSER0166219
2.DOA ParklandUSER0179819
3.the tribe has spoken, it's time for you to goUSER0166219
4.Charlie Don't Surf & so long Excitable BoyCharlie Dont Surf14
5.Charlie Don't SurfCharlie Dont Surf00


Guess the Stiff!

In 1999, he was convicted of the attempted rape of a 14 year old Cree girl. Yeah, yeah - we know. That's the OTHER Jack Ramsay - the politician from Canada. But that was what we got when we looked him up, and we'll be damned if we're reading another 2 paragraphs on the Internet. Last night was 2 for 1 margarita night at Pepe's Palace, and we couldn't control ourselves. Massive hangover. So instead of some basketball guy, you get a Canadian rapist. Sorry. We'll do better next time.

(d) April 27th, 2014