Madame Chiang Kai-Shek has been played on 1551 lists, including 16 lists in The August '98 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.OBIT 1USER00059110
2.OBIT 3USER0005919
3.10 in the ground???USER0279500
4.10 old peopleUSER0279500
5.27 YANKEESUSER0020400
6.ChaWaSa 1USER0011400
7.Deathpool Dave 1DRave1300
8.Drunk at the barUSER0279500
9.finish lineUSER0000500
10.Form 706 1USER0000500
11.Form 706 2USER0000500
13.Jim DwyerJim00
14.Mike the Cat 1USER0015300
16.Phoenix 2USER0012700


Guess the Stiff!

Spotlight on rigor mortis now.

(d) November 17th, 2003