Larry King has been played on 411 lists, including 10 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Feral Fodder #2BMT330327
2.2010 List # 3dpj0122316
3.The Grim Reapersthe doctor of death219
4.Team Reduxlola216
5.azabachenegro 1azabachenegro29
6.Grassy Knoll IIFallsguy12
7.!!! ALBRECHT SAYS DIEAlbrecht00
8.Buh Bye BabiesRawkwell00
9.Liz DornemanLizCat00


Guess the Stiff!

She won five Tony Awards, three Emmy Awards and a Grammy Award, and was nominated for an Academy Award. And yet - and we're not kidding here - we don't recognize a SINGLE thing she was in.

(d) August 24th, 2013