Jane Fonda has been played on 67 lists, including 12 lists in The 2024 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DXRob IIIDX Rob18
2.Vigor Mortis IIztreto16
3.ABATTOIR 11Nick ‘n Beth00
5.Buck 2Buck00
6.Captain TragedyAgentnumber4700
7.Death to Suzy CreamcheeseJerryBob00
8.Freebie TWOBunn's Bones To Be00
9.La Muerte It's Your TurnLaMuerte00
10.Roadkill Cafetbeaun00
11.Swimmin' Witda Fishespillion6700
12.Team DeathWish (3) 2024gfultz100


Guess the Stiff!

The lead singer on "Boogie Fever" has finally succumbed to the disease.

(d) March 11th, 2004