Jack Paar has been played on 149 lists, including 11 lists in The 2000 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Not ToddUSER00570216
2.Lucky Linda 1USER0029217
3.AbraCadavers 1USER0016516
4.Cheri G222USER0079900
5.Die, Bastards!! Die! Die! Die!USER0045100
6.E. coli 2USER0045300
7.killing them softly 3USER0096500
8.Lucky Linda 3USER0096500
10.Poopy Daddy 3USER0096500
11.Six Foot Under LeagueUSER0280800


Guess the Stiff!

Here's proof that appearances can be deceiving. On Sanford And Son, he looked like a complete idiot, and yet, there's that clinic ....

(d) May 22nd, 2001