Irwin Corey has been played on 1405 lists, including 11 lists in The Bob Gassoff Three Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Feasting Maggots 3Feasting Maggots13
2.Martha PearlDiane12
3.Three for ThreeCheswick12
4.To Boldly Die Where No One Has Died BeforeGregDean12
5.Things Happen in ThreesCheswick11
8.Lynch MobBeast Mode00
9.MrJeff2000's Third Bagger for Tea Baggersmrjeff200000
10.Oldies But Goodiesjade00
11.You're next.Frick-a-sea00


Guess the Stiff!

The doctor is out.

(d) October 14th, 1996