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This list was submitted by Diane on Thursday, February 27th, 2014 at 3:18 PM PST for The Bob Gassoff Three Bagger.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10 Zsa Zsa GaborDecember 18th, 201699
9Billy GrahamFebruary 21st, 201899
8Sam SimonMarch 8th, 201559
7Olivia de HavillandJuly 26th, 2020104
6Irwin CoreyFebruary 6th, 2017102
5Clive JamesNovember 24th, 201980
4Bob DoleDecember 5th, 202198
3George H.W. BushNovember 30th, 201894
2Mickey Rooney April 6th, 201493
1Carol ChanningJanuary 15th, 201997
2 points 1 hit 


Guess the Stiff!

You wouldn't know it to look at him, but this guy was a billion laughs. He fucked a goat once.

(d) May 23rd, 2006