Eddie Albert has been played on 629 lists, including 12 lists in The October '02 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Otto The Auto Weds Diane GoodmanUSER00750215
2.Werewolves of Buffalo 3USER0138219
3.Adios muchachos! 1Tripper13
4.Bart and DJ - Sabotage and ShenanigansDoc & DJ13
5.MA 08: Happy 100th Strom. Now die.USER0137511
6.Dirt Mongers 1USER0113400
8.Nurseboy 8Nurseboy00
9.Reap 'Em & Weep 1USER0055700
10.Redsox Fan 101BCeltics00
11.Tsuga - Heartattack & VineTsuga00
12.Wednesday 1Wednesday00


Guess the Stiff!

He was a Nazi war criminal convicted of 27,900 counts of murder, and he lived in Cleveland for most of his life. Figures.

(d) March 17th, 2012