Arlene Francis has been played on 132 lists, including 19 lists in The 2000 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.DePressED 1DePressED523
2.Vicious Piranha - The Dark And Bloody GroundUSER02813321
3.Dr. Paul Shipherd 1USER00652317
4.Loki 3USER00965213
6.The Water's Fine 2USER00965211
7.Nurseboy's l'il ol' ladiesUSER00965110
8.Stiffi GrafUSER02697110
9.TV Nut Job 3USER0096519
10.TV Nut Job 4USER0096519
11.Father McKenzieUSER0059417
13.Andre, the King of pop 3USER0096500
14.Blue AngelsUSER0093500
15.Goodnight, Ladies!USER0077900
17.Slaughtered PigsUSER0091700
18.Two Dollar BillDollar Bill00
19.We have a piper down! 3USER0096500


Guess the Stiff!

There once was an actress named Janet.
Now she's dead.

(d) October 3rd, 2004