Anne Morrow Lindbergh has been played on 239 lists, including 16 lists in The April '00 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Dr. Shipman's Precious MomentsUSER02741219
2.Bart and D.J. 1 - Summer of DeathDoc & DJ218
3.How's It Goin' Eisenhower?USER02797216
4.Obit 3USER00965213
5.PVT RYAN 3USER00965213
6.Bonkin' SquegeUSER03417110
7.Go home and get your f#@king shinebox!USER03428110
8.Welcome to the Hotel California 1USER01047110
9.Mandy's Lulu Of A ListUSER0279719
10.Wild John's Soil SolutionUSER0105719
11.Bob Jr.: dont wanna have 2 go lookin for ya bitchUSER0106212
12.Dr. B. 2USER0014600
13.Tsuga AbracadabraUSER0341500
14.Tsuga Et CeteraUSER0003900
15.TV Nut Job 1USER0007200
16.TV Nut Job 5USER0096500


Guess the Stiff!

The Sweet Smell of Success for 35 poolsters.

(d) September 29th, 2010