Andy Rooney has been played on 312 lists, including 12 lists in The 2009 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Team KessUSER02574218
2.Skunkhair # 2skunkhair212
3.Buh-bye!Dead Person Specialist, E210
4.The Amazing KreskinUSER02428210
5.Duh-duh-duh deadDead Person Specialist, E29
6.Dead List WalkingDead Person Specialist, E19
7.Stones Girl loves Pistol PeteStones Girl12
8.Thats All Folks 5Digger O Dell 1012
9.Dr. Who - Big Bad BubbaUSER0014600
11.The shitty year pt.2 for the stiff in Phoenix 3USER0220400
12.Vicious Death PoolUSER0255600


Guess the Stiff!

This moderate Republican Senator (actually a donkey in elephant's clothing) was said to be the offspring of one of the most powerful families in all of Rhode Island. So, what, they had an indoor toilet?

(d) October 24th, 1999