Alan Young has been played on 284 lists, including 16 lists in The 2012 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Otis' Cirrhosis - Rafe Hollister's StillKudsKroakers426
2.nature's callingbuh-bye now421
3.!!! elderlytitan360420
4.THATS ALL FOLKSThe rebel.323
5.Dear Abby, Are you dead yet?Pokey22320
6.POTUS 15USER02464315
7.You, who are about to die: We salute you!Hugh G. Wrekshun215
8.Digger O'Dell17Digger O Dell 10213
9.Down and Out Down the HillDigger O Dell 10212
10.Close; Very CloseGizmo211
11.Blake's Bones IIMr. Blake210
12.We didn't have a cream for thatpeatey210
13.TV's Forgotten HerosSwine19
14.They should have been dead alreadyElster00018
15.Die, Die, Die, Die, Die DEADChris Goulart00
16.Dirt Naps For Fun & Profit 6 or Welcome To Eternity...Have A Nice DayFrankJac00


Guess the Stiff!

He was a true pioneer of "light jazz," and without him, there could be no David Sanborn or Kenny G. Thanks a billion, Mike.

(d) January 13th, 2007