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This list was submitted by DeathWish on Friday, December 31st, 2004 at 10:10 AM PST for The 2005 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10William Rehnquist September 3rd, 200580
9Fidel CastroNovember 25th, 201690
8Mickey RooneyApril 6th, 201493
7Prince Rainier April 6th, 200581
6Dick ClarkApril 18th, 201282
5Muhammad AliJune 3rd, 201674
4Liz TaylorMarch 23rd, 201179
3Stephen HawkingMarch 13th, 201876
2Nancy ReaganMarch 6th, 201694
1Prince PhilipApril 9th, 202199
17 points 2 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

Don't let that "nice girl" routine fool you, she was a ballbuster.

(d) July 8th, 2006