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This list was submitted by USER00557 on Saturday, January 17th, 2004 at 2:29 AM PST for The 2004 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Ronald Reagan June 5th, 200493
9Pope John Paul IIApril 2nd, 200584
8 Zsa Zsa GaborDecember 18th, 201699
7Fay Wray August 8th, 200496
6Billy GrahamFebruary 21st, 201899
5Kitty CarlisleApril 17th, 200796
4Dennis WeaverFebruary 24th, 200681
3Irwin CoreyFebruary 6th, 2017102
2Kirk DouglasFebruary 5th, 2020103
1Esther WilliamsJune 6th, 201391
17 points 2 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

There goes the neighborhood.

(d) February 27th, 2003