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This list was submitted by USER01786 on Tuesday, December 30th, 2003 at 12:53 PM PST for The 2004 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

Points Celebrity Date of Death Age 
10Julia Child August 13th, 200491
9Annette FunicelloApril 8th, 201370
8Estelle GettyJuly 22nd, 200884
7Ruth WarrickJanuary 15th, 200589
6Rosa ParksOctober 24th, 200592
5Kitty CarlisleApril 17th, 200796
4 Zsa Zsa GaborDecember 18th, 201699
3Fay Wray August 8th, 200496
2Margaret ThatcherApril 8th, 201387
1Gloria StuartSeptember 26th, 2010100
13 points 2 hits 


Guess the Stiff!

He was the leader of Malawi. Tell you what: you FIND Malawi on a map, and we'll write a blurb for him. Good? Good.

(d) November 25th, 1997