Princess Margaret has been played on 108 lists, including 9 lists in The 2001 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Elizabeth Bowes-LyonUSER02660215
2.Nighttime For Noca 1USER0122727
3.Pepster 1USER00055110
4.Pepster 2USER00055110
5.morts sur l'arrivee deuxUSER0059419
6.Nighttime For Noca 3USER0350318
7.Probate Lawyer Seeks WorkUSER0350912
8.ethnic cleansinghop196200
9.Reap 'Em & Weep 3USER0277500


Guess the Stiff!

Baker's dozin'.

(d) December 7th, 1999