Nelson Mandela has been played on 1300 lists, including 6 lists in The February 2010 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.pop quiz 2010me first429
2.EMFC A Hearse is a Hearse, of Curse of CurseEMFCoffin326
3.Cemetery Girls Jr #2Cemetery Girls325
4.Doc & DJ--Lost Better Fucking DeliverDoc & DJ217
5.Roger Gowiththrottleup 2Roger Gowiththrottleup110
6.cd5dh Do not go gently into the good night..just GO!cerista14


Guess the Stiff!

He singlehandedly revolutionized fashion photography, then elevated portrait shooting to a fine art, and may very well have boned Jack and Jackie Kennedy.

(d) October 1st, 2004