Merlin Olsen has been played on 127 lists, including 14 lists in The Aleksander Petrovic Memorial Three-Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.... And This Is My Other Carcass DarylGhost of Stiffs Past318
2.No Viagra Needed 2No Viagra Needed218
3.RD02: New type of GameRD02218
4.Cartman- Own The PodiumCARTMAN217
5.Mcswindlers List 2hop1962217
6.Doc & DJ--Numbers GameDoc & DJ215
7.Ethnic Cleansinghop1962215
8.Plowing The Deephop1962215
9.Ethnic Cleansing 2hop1962214
10.Hat Trick of DeathUSER00495214
11.Mcswindlers Listhop1962214
12.Doc & DJ--...I Wish I Was Sipowicz.Doc & DJ29
13.old or ailing, your pickbjaskols13
14.Dying made easyshorty7ft11


Guess the Stiff!

Blacked out.

(d) August 8th, 2013