Marty Allen has been played on 139 lists, including 10 lists in The 2015 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Cemetery Girls 6Cemetery Girls318
2.A reprieve from the big Cfireflyt214
3.Big BadAss Blowflies #3BodyFarmBound214
4.Goodbye Dere!Pozzo110
5.Cemetery Girls 2Cemetery Girls18
6.Are you people ever gonna croak?Nascar91216
7.The 90's will be the death of MeBigsunset196716
8.Everyone DiesDie Now00
9.Famous Fossils 5Hugh G. Wrekshun00
10.Joe Bacon's 2015 3rd String Dirt NappersChancellor D'Exchecker00


Guess the Stiff!


(d) November 7th, 2002