Lyndon LaRouche has been played on 44 lists, including 8 lists in The 2017 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Ig Man's dead guys 2The Ig319
2.Lincoln's TombMardiRob319
3.Just Die Already!Dr Drunk217
4.Reaper twoFear the Reaper16
5.CB 2017 dead listquartzcity14
6.Ig Man's dead guys 3The Ig00
8.Worm CuisineGreat Caesar"s Ghost!00


Guess the Stiff!

Over the years she changed the name of her show from The Dr. Joyce Brothers Show to Consult Dr. Brothers to Tell Me, Dr. Brothers to Ask Dr. Brothers to Living Easy with Dr. Joyce Brothers, and now, finally to Lying Perfectly Still with Dr. Joyce Brothers

(d) May 13th, 2013