Kirk Douglas has been played on 6267 lists, including 15 lists in The Paula Newby-Fraser Three Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.I'm taking it personally now, Zsa ZsaLessThanThree218
2.Spank The Monkeyzombie lover213
3.Dirty Almost DozenUSER05588110
4.Gaddafi was an ugly motherfuckerzombie lover110
5.Slab CentralWallbanger19
7.Gnarly Stiff Stiffingtons6ftunder14
8.11 ajlposhajlposh00
9.Cranberry Saucemommyster00
14.Skunkhair yet againskunkhair00
15.Slab CentraliaWallbanger00


Guess the Stiff!

Forgive us if we wax nostalgic for a moment, but our feelings for this actor simply cannot go unspoken. There was something about his face, or maybe it was the way he spoke, that made us just want to kick his teeth in.

(d) October 3rd, 1998