John Lee Hooker has been played on 43 lists, including 12 lists in The 1999 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Hazardous 1USER00453215
2.E. RossUSER0042318
3.69 Pimp 1USER0055000
4.Cold Devil 3USER0049500
5.Dead Dave's Undead UncleUSER0058700
6.Dr. KUSER0040600
7.god damnit! 1goddammit00
8.Grim Rapper 2Grim Rapper00
9.Grim Rapper 3Grim Rapper00
10.Scumdefender 2laptoplg00
11.Scumdefender 3laptoplg00
12.The Mighty, Mighty Tombstones 3USER0055900


Guess the Stiff!

Now learning to play a whole new kind of harp.

(d) January 6th, 1998