Joe Biden has been played on 137 lists, including 25 lists in The 2024 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.C-MON MAN!Deep 6431
2.Herm BoolieHerm Boolie324
3.No More in 24Denern323
4.I am the dark one List #4I am the dark one318
5.Nailing the coffin doorEuro-trash318
6.Light ApproachersBud Davenport315
7.Lil Chip Slistkgriffigk5219
8.No Chance In HellDankasus215
9.Death becomes uslsternal214
10.Death rattlesamurphy927212
11.Worm food 24engschaeffer@aol.com212
12.Dead IdiotsMale stripper27
14.Soon to be... or not to be...ycartmk110
15.Trail of Bloodtrail of blood110
16.leck mich am ArschMale stripper19
17.Tic-Tac-Toe: The MovieAgentnumber4719
18.Larry\'s dead list 2024lsternal17
19.Names What the Hellwet grave17
21.10 minus 10tbeaun00
22.ChuckieG first trychuckieG00
23.Nicole's Shaved Cat 2024spol8500
25.Start diggingUnsub6900


Guess the Stiff!

He was a friend of ours.

(d) February 10th, 2002