Jimmy Carter has been played on 3012 lists, including 11 lists in The February 2017 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.the short listDixie_Crystal29
2.2017 Most Wantedwallissh00
3.almost walking deadkathi00
4.Bucket-kickers 2017bellesouth00
5.Century XXMissAndyWarhol00
6.Final Sale 2017Evil Lemons00
7.God Save the Queen38moriarty00
10.Noreaster on BrittonTacoDaisy00
11.should be deadkathi00


Guess the Stiff!

They called him "The Frank Sinatra of France" - which we assume means he drank a lot and cheated on his wife.

(d) October 1st, 2018