Jack Palance has been played on 56 lists, including 14 lists in The 2005 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Weekend at Bernie's 3Paul1681427
2.Cadavers of Mass DestructionBig Bald Jon326
3.Rigamortis or BustUSER02201321
4.Q TIPSQuincy320
6.Whayne 3USER02593219
8.!ALBRECHT SAYS DIE 2Albrecht110
9.ALT - Don't make any fucking plansAngel of Death110
10.Wet and stiff in phoenix 3USER0220418
11.formaldehyde is not just for breakfast anymoreUSER0189514
12.Deadbeats Unrelated To MeEllexxxx13
13.Hollywood Down Under 2Digger O Dell 1000


Guess the Stiff!

He says he interviewed over 300,000 guests in his 42 years on the air. He may have been great on TV, but he sucked at math.

(d) January 24th, 2015