Herbert Lom has been played on 177 lists, including 9 lists in The 2008 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.No Bones About It! 3Digger O Dell 10311
2.No Hope GeorgiaUSER00750219
3.DGD - But It Goes to Eleven!DGD213
4.all gomers die of somethinglindbergh212
5.Reap 'Em & Weep #1USER00557212
6.Wracked National Stifle AssociationWracked25
7.A Grateful DeadheadJudysomething24
8.Dr. Who - Proving 2003 was a fluke once againUSER0014619
9.Goddammit 3goddammit00


Guess the Stiff!

And don't any of you punks try to tell us that the creator of Irving's Fly Dope ain't a celebrity, goddamnit!

(d) May 4th, 1999