Harry Morgan has been played on 883 lists, including 8 lists in The Alexandre Dumas Memorial Three-Bagger.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.RottenToast BarbecuedRottenToast28
2.RottenToast GrilledRottenToast110
3.Stupid Sexy FlandersPokey2218
4.Firebusters SecondFirebuster14
5.AARP Happensshorty7ft00
6.AARP Happens 2shorty7ft00
7.Live And Let Them Diezombie lover00
8.You aren't going to find Run Run Shaw on MY list!zacksinger00


Guess the Stiff!

Most people know him as "The Darling of Daytime TV", but fewer people know him by his other nickname - "The Freak with the Weird Hairdo".

(d) February 12th, 2018