Estee Lauder has been played on 222 lists, including 16 lists in The 2000 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Betsy's BodiesBetsy213
2.Unit C ZombiesUSER0282228
3.Bite the BullettUSER02616110
4.Al Franken doesn't know shit!USER0031319
5.It's Worse Than That; They're Dead, JimUSER0096919
6.suzy 2USER0017519
7.suzy 1USER0017518
8.BairBones 3USER0096514
9.BairBones 2BairBones00
10.Dean AUSER0045500
11.Figgie's Forlorn FriendsUSER0102100
12.gravediggers 1USER0045200
14.Midwest Morgue Mogul MmmikeeEUSER0102000
15.nawlins funeralUSER0064900
16.Stiff Shirts 3USER0096500


Guess the Stiff!

Was here then.

(d) December 22nd, 2019