Courtney Love has been played on 182 lists, including 7 lists in The 2006 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.SeaPepto - Gettin' My Kicks in 2006SeaPepto327
2.Charlie Don't Surf - MOW!Charlie Dont Surf213
3.NVN: What the fuck it was freeNo Viagra Needed212
4.Barefootom's Dead Pool listUSER0227000
5.Red Hair Dieevilredhead00
6.Tommytsled-Hunting The Hunters At NightTomtsled00


Guess the Stiff!

The internationally renowned heart specialist, famed for performing the first successful heart transplant, died of an asthma attack, thereby negating any opportunity for a worthwhile blurb, the thoughtless prick.

(d) September 2nd, 2001