Claude Levi-Strauss has been played on 842 lists, including 10 lists in The 2001 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.ZWOL 2USER0046017
3.3 Years- Same List--Die Fuckholes, DieUSER0005100
4.92 And Ready To DieUSER0347900
5.Chateauneuf du papeUSER0346600
6.He Reaps While You SleepStarwanderer00
7.Heetergal 1USER0099600
8.Mary Tyler Morgue 3USER0274200
9.Team O.B.E. 2USER0040500
10.the DUDE (again & again)USER0345700


Guess the Stiff!


(d) October 31st, 2006