Carl Reiner has been played on 546 lists, including 13 lists in The 2010 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.Hurry Up and Die Already, Part Vhurryupndiealready319
2.The Grim Reapersthe doctor of death219
4.Morgan's Morgue 2JustDie216
6.Filthy Fucking Whoresfilthy whore110
8.the buddley deadpoolBud Santimyer14
9.You are so deadDead Person Specialist, E11
10.curlys first oneBig Con00
11.Dying's Easy; Comedy's HardPozzo00
12.Loki 1Loki00
13.Not So Fuckin' Funny Now, Is It?humanmeal00


Guess the Stiff!

Less Fess.

(d) March 18th, 2010