Buddy Ebsen has been played on 990 lists, including 25 lists in The March '01 Lee Jr..

 List User Stiffs Points 
2.BMACP 2USER02637212
3.Cartman's Jr. C ListUSER03548211
5.M.I.'s Just For Fun 2USER0000819
6.BMACP 1USER0130818
7.Notorious D.E.A.D.Starwanderer18
8.Go See God- Dudley, Maureen and some old peopleUSER0077916
9.Bart and DJ - Oklahoma HeroinDoc & DJ14
10.El Aurens 2USER0096513
11.Bag Em & Tag EmUSER0131100
12.Blood in the Water IIUSER0093000
13.Doc--Orenthal ResetDoc & DJ00
14.Dr. Who - Just Die AlreadyUSER0014600
15.General Blastforth 2Roger Gowiththrottleup00
16.Ghost GuyUSER0130200
17.Gov. William J. LePetomaneUSER0278900
19.Looking up at the dirtUSER0356400
20.mr.bitterness 1zappa39800
21.No Viagra Needed 1No Viagra Needed00
22.Tsuga Comes AliveUSER0355600
23.Tsuga This Space For RentUSER0355700
24.Wednesday 2Wednesday00


Guess the Stiff!

The 58th richest American now takes his rightful place in history as a sticky blob on the underside of capitalism's theatre seat. Ever try to get those things off after a couple days? No, you probably never even thought about it. You're one of those people that just takes that gooey sucker right out of your mouth, whenever you get tired of it, and slaps it under the nearest available piece of furniture. Hey, it's dark, why not? Never mind that some poor slob who's worried about the price of a rebuilt alternator is gonna spend a half-hour trying to chisel that melanoma-like mouthful of chemicals off without damaging the fucking wood. Ever wonder why we have carjackings, you filthy, stupid, rich pig bastard?! What's that? Another one of you thoughtless bloodsuckers blew a gasket? Well, right on, baby! Right on!!

(d) March 8th, 1999