Britney Spears has been played on 69 lists, including 16 lists in The 2008 Lee Atwater Invitational Dead Pool.

 List User Stiffs Points 
1.stevgexs bucket listBeer Ninja310
2.Blackadder 3000002219
3.Thats a WrapThe Shadow110
4.10 - 2008 - dead guys 1Bucket Kickers13
5.Aiming for Asystole LDM 1USER0185713
6.hoosie daddyraymond13
7.C'mon Die Already03goodwin7300
8.charlie gamperUSER0248000
9.Chicago Jake 2Chicago Jake00
10.Debi's Death List IIUSER0243400
11.Die 4 Me Willya 4Chickeyd00
12.Femme Fatale-Dumb & DumbererUSER0251200
13.GUN:Red Hot Plate Of HateUSER0390400
14.JMD - Alexis & Robin cite 'PEOPLE'Mr Wonderful00
15.Josh Axelmanspaceroach00
16.Time To Die In 2008Larry444400


Guess the Stiff!

This means that without Vitale, ESPN would be completely Dickless.

(d) December 21st, 2001